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Everything posted by branimir

  1. If anybody se that beautiful gorgeus girl EMA somewhere on the other wb page let mi know. EMA is the onl gir in the worl with big beautfl tatto of thebir OWL Ho first see EMA pleas pos URL of that web site here.
  2. That's not funny. EMA make dean , withouth EMA dean is (0) ZERO. From now dean will have only bad luck and allways trouble. I was about 100 times in commision when we chose most beautiful girl in yugoslavia, and now in serbia. I was 10 times in commision wen we chose most beautiful grl in europe, and two times fore competition for most beautiful girl in the world. In my age of my 58 years I newer saw girl so beautiful like EMA and with body like EMA hawe , why hi kick EMA from their apartment why he treat ENA LIKE DOG. And to be onest we all watche'd them only because of that "GORGEUS BEAUTIFUL GIRL EMA". EMA wanted to marry him and to give him a their children.
  3. Now it`s 01 -59 AM Romanian time. All camera at Ema & Dean home are offline since 24h this night. I think Ema is getting back with all luggage that she caried when she went off their home. Why camera off they don`t want people to see that they are mooving luggage back in their home.
  4. That was dean filming for EMA. Dean is thinking how to get back EMA to safe place to their home. Because of this CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 who is cilling people, and dean know that EMA like to go outside during night and he want's to stop her and save her life. Dean is scare for EMA that something could happen to her. I was listening his conversation by the phone yesterday.
  5. Yesterday i was chganging web channel from voyeurhouse.com to Camarads.com. i looked room Ema an lia, in few seconds in main room i saw some girl, same batherobe like EMA is wearing pink colour with lot of white circles and in few second i saw liitle of face of that girl and hair was same like EMA'S hair and face too. I was 100% shure that's EMA tha gir wen`t to the enother roomey switch off the light. In this room light is olways on, so i will record that room to exam who is that enother mysteterious girl, because only lia is the girl you can see.
  6. It's not time to make jokes. EMA was taking role in movie ASSET that was filmed im bucharest by american film company and with help of some romanian film crew. We all know there is outside in all europe virus pandemia because of CORONAVIRUS COVID-19. So maybie dean put ema somewhere in isolation fore 14 days.
  7. Das letzte Mal geschrieben, wenn Sie sich nicht für EMA interessieren und keine Kommentare mehr abgeben. Ändern und wählen Sie neues Thema Emma. Warum kommentierst du? Der beste Weg für Sie, zu einem neuen Thema zu wechseln, ist eine EMA. Das ist mein Rat an Sie. LASSEN SIE DIESES THEMA EMA AN DEAN. Wähle etwas anderes. Ich habe kein Dis-Thema für Emma und Dean erstellt. Wenn Sie also nicht möchten, wählen Sie etwas anderes und bodern Sie uns bitte nicht. Geh zum Arzt.
  9. I'm sory but you must go and see doctor.this forum is about EMA and dean. We are not here to defend that blonde ugly girl, we are here all to bring EMA BACK. EMA DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE TREEATED LIKE DOG. That was dean doing from new year 2020 upp to now. Every time when lovely EMA wanted to hawe sex with dean hi was tired. I know that dean was not tired, hi was playing tuff ghy an treat EMA like DOG. Don't forget we are not here to co.ent young ugly blonde lsdy. We are here go coment EMA and dean only." DON'T FORGET EMA WANT MERRIAGE WITH DEAN AND EMA WANT TO GIVE HIM THEIR CHILDREN"
  10. Das kleine blonde Mädchen ist so hässlich und wenn man sie mit BEAUTY EMA vergleicht, ist dieses Mädchen fett und sehr hässlich. Wir sind alle sie, um DEAN NICHT ZU VERTEIDIGEN. Wir sind hier, um unsere KÖNIGIN "EMA" zu retten. Wenn Sie auf der Seite des Dekans stehen "DANN MEIN FREUND VERPASSEN SIE DIE WEBSEITE, SIND SIE AUF FALSCHER WEBSEITE. Hier auf dieser Webseite sind nur Leute, die "EMA" lieben. Mit diesem Bild lernt Dean eine Lebenslese, die er nicht mit LOVELY SWEEATY EMA zu tun hat. Anstelle dieses blonbde sehr hässlichen dicken Mädchens, Dekan: "MUSSTE SEINER EMA, GOLDENEN RING, GEBEN, UM SIE UM EHE ZU BITTEN, UM EMA ZU BITTEN, MIT IHREN KINDERN ZU HABEN, ERWARTETE EMA VON DEAN, UM EINLADUNG ZU ERHALTEN UND MIT IHR EHE ZU ERHALTEN ". EMA lebte für ihr Leben und EMA wollte ein Kind mit ihrem Dekan haben. Dean ist jetzt ein sehr hässliches, trockenes Schwein geworden. Ich habe EMA'S Taliking mit ihrer besten weiblichen Freundin telefoniert und EMA meinte: "Meine Nan bietet mir keine Ehe an und ich möchte ihm schöne Kinder schenken." Das ist ein hässlicher, schmutziger Dekan, den er all das verdorben hat, was für ihn am schlimmsten ist.
  11. That little blonde girl is so ugly and if you compare her vith BEAUTY EMA, that girl is fat and very ugly. We are all her not to ""DEFEND DEAN". We are here to save our QUEEN"EMA" . If you are on the dean's side"THEN MY FRIEND YOU MISS THE WEB PAGE, YOU ARE ON WRONG WEB PAGE. Here on tis web page are people only who love "EMA". With this picture dean will learn an life leson not to mes with LOVELY SWEEATY EMA. Instead of this blonbde very ugly fat girl, dean: " HAD TO GIVE TO HIS EMA, GOLDEN RING, TO ASK HER FOR MERRIAGE TO ASK EMA TO HAVE WITH HER CHILDREN, EMA WAS EXPECTING FROM DEAN TO GET INVITATION AND TO GET MERRIAGE WITH HER" . EMA was living fore their life, and EMA wanted to have a kids with her dean. Dean now become a wery ugly drty pig. I was listening on phone EMA'S taliking with her best feemale friend and EMA mentined "my nan is not offering me a merriage and i want to give him a beautiful children". That is ugly dirty dean he diserve all of this iven worst to become for him.
  12. Anybody ho see EMA somewhere else on the web , please live the message and URL of that webiste here.
  13. Let`s pray all that EMA is comming back.💓💓💓
  14. Something strange is happening all camera in EMA and deans aparment are offline for more than five hours. . Frst of all they must come together again EMA an dean, seccond dean must forget this ugly fat pig girl.
  15. Now it's 21:30 romanian time. All camera's in EMA and dean aprtment are shoot down ( they are offline). Dean is doing something very stinky or drty. Or maybie hi is geting EMA back in quiet so nobody can se when she went back home, same when EMA has gone nobody seen wen she left front doors of their apartement.
  16. Since Ema has gone somewhere fore a while, and she left lot of of the sclothes she like to wear that's means "She is comming back"
  17. Ema muss irgendwo im Web sein. Sie mag es nackt zu sein und ihren Körper allen im Internet zu zeigen. EMA ist 1000000000% echtes Voyeur-Mädchen und wir müssen sie im Web finden. Ich werde nicht aufgeben, bis ich am Leben bin und mein Alter 58 ist
  18. Aber wir können herausfinden, wo sich EMA im Internet befindet, damit wir ihr folgen können
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