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Everything posted by branimir

  1. Yesterday Ema went to sleep alone??? Wish to know why. And this morning she didnt go to cast in movie. Before 20 minutes 11:50 romamanian time, she dresed her self wery sweet and wery sexy nice make up and stylish hair, and she was wery happy going somewhere with her Dean. No kises, but i think everythinf is ok now. I think Dean don't want to boder her while she is filming a movie❤😊🙂😉💞
  2. Today this morning in 5:00h lovely Ema start putting makeup and new sexy clothes on. Why sexy clothes ??? I'm just wondering why. Who is that person she want to impress. Yesterday she come back with some papers i tink is contract, but she was not so happy because in that contract is wrriting something she don't like. This morning when si dressed up she sit in livingroom where Dean is slipping Dean was woke up, but i didnt heard woice of their talking because camera 1( one) in living room is more than a week spoled, ohhh noooooo it's take too long to fix it. Why they sleep separatley why???. And again no kises with Dean, she used to go to grocery to by something and allways Dean kis her before she left apartment. Are they angry on each other i hope they are not. Again i dont' understand why Dean is not prepared to drive her in ther warm car and they can talk in the car. And in what movie is shi hawing cast. If anybody know or if enybody catch somewhere what is that american movie plese let me know🤯😢😟
  3. Ema is wery suspicious to me. This early mornig 5:15h Romanian time, she was in dressing rom puting make up , dressing sexy underwear so sexy orange womans shoes she put them in the bag. She was brutaly sexy. Why must se dress like she is going to do a porno movie. When youre an acter in some movie you dress normaly and over there you change clothes to their ones. Eveything on her is very tight, so she can quickly take off and be naked. Why???. Whoo she wonts to impress by being naked. I'm werry worried she is to young and to naive to do a real porn. And why her man Dean dont drive her to that location were is she filming. She doesent wants Dean to know where Is that location, and seems to me Dean is not intrested. Maybie Dean told her ok just go and bring some money. No.no.no.if she do porn they gonna suck her into the bottom of porn indystry, they gonna use her and abuse her and trow her like wet peace of clothes and she can catch serous deses like aids or something else, if she is recording porn . After that there is no return in normal life because in porn indystry they push you up to take serious heavy drugs, to much alcohol, an after that youre too far for normaly life. Why Dean don check what is it, or Dean could write on some paper in inglish what movie she is recording so we could read and all off uss who love ema very much, all off us can sattle down we can extract that she is doing normaly movie. Like this with no explane a'm big confused and big worried like all of uss. And this night they slept separatley, and normaly when she is going anywhere out Deam give her lovely kiss in the mouth, this morning no kises.
  4. Yesterday Ema got very early from shooting a movie. I catch voice transcription wen she was talking with someone on the mobile phone ( her words: stop sending me mesages Hey I CAN BUY YOU YOU DONT KNOW ME). I think because wen she prepare at home to go to cast in the movie, she wear minimal clothes., and when you must wear their clothes on some scenes you must take off yours clothes and wear what they give to you. There is the key of problem, she were too much naked over there, and somebody told her not to do that. She start shouthing to that person, and Ema got fired up from the movie. This morning she recived sms definatley message that she is fired up from that movie.Today i'm happy Ema cleaned the mess in dressing rom and in the bedroom. All makeup is back where it was before. Now she is good old Ema wich i like wery much.
  5. Famous American actors Michael Keaton and Samuel L. Jackson, as well as top actress Maggie Q will come to Romania next year to shoot the new action thriller The Asset directed by Martin Campbell. Several scenes will be shot in Bucharest for ten weeks starting January 8, 2020, according to local News.ro. The film crew will also go to London and Vietnam. Director Martin Cambpell is already in Romania, preparing for this film, the producers working locally with Frame Film. Written by Richard Wenk, the film tells the story of two assassins and rivals holding secrets from the Vietnam War. When one of their mentors is killed, they find a way to work together to return to Vietnam and find the killer. Frame Film is also producing Dampyr, an adaptation of the popular comic book franchise, which has a production budget of over USD 15 million. The film stars Luke Roberts, Sebastian Croft, David Morrissey, Stuart Martin and is currently shooting in Transylvania. Filming will also take place in Bucharest starting next week. [email protected]
  6. Okay i will wipe off in my post original Ema's name. From now on only Ema and Den
  7. In last year i recoded a sex betwen Ema and Dean, booth were naked, an in one seccond Dean become ill very sick no breath and eyes gone upp. Ema quickly give to dean some pils and after few minutes Dean get on and he was feeling better. I think Dean is siriously ill, ones he just didn't felt down on door entering in livingroom, Ema was watching that an she is consider abouth Deans helth at that time Dean somehow grab the door and he didnt feelt down. I see Dean is coffing from time to time, he should go to doctor specialist to check his breast.
  8. When its up to Ema, everything arround her in 360° its up to beeing naked an to hawe sex if its posible. Ema dera poor Ema it's gone too far. She think's that by her body she wil earn huge bunch and lot of money. Anfortynatley she is wrong, she wil be used abused
  9. When its up to Ema everything arround her in 360° it's up to beeing naked an to hawe sex if it's posible. Ema dear my lovely sweeaty poor Ema it's gone too far. She think's that by her body she wil earn huge bunch and lot of money. Anfortynatley she is wrong, she wil bi used and abused like wet clothes and she will be throwen away some day. Somebody else will earn money on Ema body, Not Ema Not Dean. They booth don't understand that. In filming porn you must be serious player, and certenly Ema is not serious player she is to young an to naive. I wonder who is that person whoo put in her head that she must allways be naked and allways to have sex, thats realy weird and stupid and thats not good for her. She is too brutaly sexy and she is gorgeus looking when she is naked but thats all. Okay if she wants to have sex wit dean and every body can watch on the net in voyeurhouse.com, but only that nothing else " EMA IS NOT SERIOUS PLAYER TO DO PORN MOVIE SHE IS NOT SHE IS TOO YOUNG AND TOO NAIVE TO DO SUCH LIKE THAT MOVIE" . If she try to do porn, porn indystry wil swallow her inside and there is no return back in normaly life.
  10. I shoot onece real movie in my contry but normaly i didn't get 4:30h eary in the morning. As I i'm watching her from camarads then voyeurhouse and chaturbate, i see when shi is doing something normaly in home like dressing up to go somewhere with Dean or to do in home something she do it wery slowely and nice. But wen is up to be naked and to hawe sex she is doing bery fast. And in her coversation by mobile phone every sevcond word becomes with is it hot. Anfortunatley Ema , she could not live withouth sex 24h an day. You se Dean forbide her to chaturbate and forbide her to lay naked in front of camera in livingrooom
  11. You can't se her doing porn but you know that she like 24h to be naked and to have sex and she like to be watched her brytaly maked body, and she is wery angry on Dean wen hi don't want to have sex with her. And she love ewerything in sex, blow job, behinde in ass, everything iven a bondage.
  12. No no no i said no job by sex and showing her body no no no. Thats wery dirty. She don't uderstand that she is so young an naive. And 100% Dean said ok bring money to our home.
  13. Amother thing. If it's flming normaly film, and we know she like to be watched she like to show her naked body to everybody + sexy clothes and she will 100000000% have sex and fuck with some american film actres. We nknow shi is brytaly sexy girl what does that means. It means maybie in futre wen somebody shoot film i europe they wil cal her to bi in movie, because sge is brutaly sexy and prity and she speaks english language fluently.
  14. Amy3. what did you mean by (Free can is back to the foot of the bed.)
  15. But before two days, she went early and she was back at 10h in the morning at home.
  16. Shes filming an porn 100% i`m shure. Nothing else. What does ema know to do , she said one she was dancer in one club , fitnes training. But wen she wear sexy dress she is brutaly too hot to get heartattack. we weit. That film shes filmig these days I`m gonna get it somehow.
  17. I told you something weird is happenining. Ema is non stop checking the phone. She doesent have time to cline messup in dressing room , and she use to be very tidy girl to be eveuthing on place vhere it should be.
  18. Dean iis in living room. Listem to this. Ema is early in the morning half past fife lef their apartment in very tinny dresss and these days in romania is wery cold is winter. She didn't want dean to driwe her in warm car, bcause den wil know what is location were she is filming. Instead of warm car in the morning sje is geting by foot and she is totaly freezing. She is hiding saomething big from Den. Den lnow she is filming something with americans but he dont know what is she wilming, what kind of mowie. I will now check is maybie these days Roko Sefrerdi i romania bucurest or maybie is Buttman in romamia bucurest. Camera one in living room is spolied and its not working again.
  19. Only thing wgat is going thry my head, Americans shooting movie with her + sexy dres + in the bag small sexy dress when she ware that small sexy dress you can se everything like she is totaly naked result of all this is = porno movie. Dean knows its a porn and its gonna be seen in usa on the net. I a'm keeping eyes on her watching all romrnian girls with big tatto on right leg to se that big bird owl, if I see on rigt leg that where is that bird owl ( if I see its covered with pice of clothes i will know its her). I have big wonder )WICH NAME HE IS YUSING FORE CASTING IN THAT MOVIE).
  20. New conversation where she went early tus mornig (show me a is this AA hey hmm yo on america television screens me of an improvement you when should we register molly is the only approval we need potatoes or need me a coupon ago with a check ticket do i just buy pizza at ten am so happy because chuck gina pizza display of the urls fifty four citi pay gear it's gotten that serves pretty procure i compile what is the weather still please send it to the restaurant now what you said that chicken wings as much as well that i was not in icenter)
  21. Amy3 thanks for happy birthday😉🙂😊
  22. I hawe slecial program om my pone sreen HD capture with sound. Then from her video i recordit i make Mp3 sound, then i put that sound in program vocie traslator and here is what ghat se was talking by phone with somebody i hawe only part of dialog. Her is it (Yeah ask is it hot how i don't know let me know the month of may not really cool play tell me pops hey baby no sticker how many women no not no cancel give me another)
  23. Wel be in touch l. Who first know something he will wfote hire. I recorded everything from them every video from camarads and voyeurhouse. I have someware on my hard disc big sexy cam chat betwen Ema and that greek ghy. That ghy promis to her she will hawe planes boats and lot of money if she go to bi with him. But i sow in greek smile its not like that, she just want sex wit her and nothing else. Dean use to spoil laptop in living room so she couldnt get conection trogug internet to speak and to watch that greek ghy. Ema dint get over it meny times he tried to establish video conection with that greek ghy but no use,Dean spoiled laptop. I can send you that wideo by , (we trasfer) so you can downloadit when you get the lik fore downlod. Just send me your email if yo want to watch, and i wil look on my huge hard disc for that video. She was totaly naked and she opened her butiful leges and tat greek ghy start kising her pussy on his cam.
  24. Left or in bathroom door is open i can't see inside were is premoum room. Maybe he went to look for her.
  25. Hope so. But why sexy small dress in bag to change to be provocative for whoo. If he eran mone on jer body thats shame. She mast not sel her bodx she is not an prostitute, or escoz girl. Bu as i can see she like to do blowjob and sex in front of camera. Snd who party in 5:30 on early morning. Pepoplr are slipping and some of dem preparing for day job. I'm shure she had a date with someone ih som hotel room, amd then sex ofcore. No,no,no Dean is stpid ghy o i was in his place o wold be Sherlock Holmes sm i wold exam everuthig in frst place her mobile phone. Den should take one day of this days and exam her mobile phone coplitley all day.
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