Ofcourse this reason why they are gonna be offline is not true. Yesterday night i watched and recorded terrible fight. Anyhow i hope they gonna get together again because they are made for each other. We will se after two months or maybye earlier. In good pray and hope for them to be in real pashionated love and again happiness on camrads . Best regards for RITA &Tom.
Rita & Tom had last night a big fight. Shame for them, they must not fight. Tom must to be very gentle with grl that is Rita so beautiful. Anybody know how are they this morning. And please Moderators from camarads, please get us back online cameras from Rita & Tom so we can watch now, cameras are stil offline.
And if Rita and Tom hawe vistors, they parents or any mamber of their family the must hide all cameras in ther apartment so nobody can see that cameras.😁😁😁
They must give us explanation why all camers`s at Rita & Tom apartmens are offline. Just information worth, so we can be pation untl thy get online again. In camarads only Rita and Tom are worth of watching. And i can see yesterday and today, only small rom with that yellow table was online for les than 10 minits.