i would like to have vthat video from camera 2 in bedroom if you have it plase could you uppload it to we transfer and snd me the link so i can dowload it. My mail is [email protected]. Thanks.
I make mp4 video on my phone vhen she is talking by phone or with dean. Then from mp4 i make mp3 sound, and then that mp3 sound i put in one program, and that program translate me romanin voce to text on english, that is how i know all situation over there.
When she start filming, she went home one day so erarly she make some sheet over there and she was crying all day. Dean cal some frends tha nigh to come at his home, and one make call to someboy and she is agaim in moovie.
I told dean in message "DON'T LOOSE HER" she is one in bilion with that boy, you want find something like tji. Ny frend do you have anny idea how to contact Dean without tokens to tel him to fix all not working camerad, and to ulock dressing room brvsuse there is no action
Dean is like big pig, 24j on phone. Yesterday she was naked with towel o her in livingroom, giving dean sign lets have sex but deam is not itrested in sex with her, If i was at deans place a would 24h be naked with her and she cold play with my bonner as much she wants.
Before two weeks, she was prepared to ho out at 23h night zme, dean couldn't go necause he was to tired. I watch her dressing she put underwear pants so gently and rubber of pants nicely around her body. She come that morning 5:30h, trow jacket and run out. Two hiurs she was with somebody else in the car. When she was undressing her pant was totaly destroyed like somebody was puting bonner withouth removin the underpants. I said that to dean a hi told ke don' t worry my frend.
Yes there name was Rita & Tom. Her original name is ELIZA. Tonight i want sleep am drinking ultra energy and recording their home. I will vate to see when is she going to ne back at home this morning.
Its action drama, frst they shoot in romania, then in UK, and kast shooting in vietnam. It's about two soldiers from vietnam var. Please if somebody find some pictures from shooting a movie i bucharesti post them here.
First dean catch her chating naked with greek ghy after chaturbate, then things gone far, and Fean forbid her to chaturbate anny more. Then she got in crew for this movie by Deans connection, and again it's gone too far. She must be naked in front of everbody and thai it's.
Martin Campbell's The Asset
Martin Campbell's The Asset Starring Michael Keaton and Samuel L. Jackson to Shoot in Romania. BUCHAREST: Martin Campbell's The Asset, starring Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson and Maggie Q, will be shot in Romania for 10 weeks starting 8 January 2020.
Martin Campbell's The Asset
Martin Campbell's The Asset Starring Michael Keaton and Samuel L. Jackson to Shoot in Romania. BUCHAREST: Martin Campbell's The Asset, starring Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson and Maggie Q, will be shot in Romania for 10 weeks starting 8 January 2020.
How come get token's and become premium member and there is no action long time a go. Dean let her be alone wile she is casting in that movie. Movie stop shooting in romania on 8 march. We all can hope it's gonna be action again in their apartment.
They should stay together. Her casting in this american movie shooting in bucharesti its gone too far. Every day she is sehy dressed, so quickly she can be undresset, and unfortunatly she blow mind to everybody by showig her naked body over there.
I'm wondering where is she going late at night 2 oklock in the morning. Iven in romania bucharesti now is wery cold. Just one message from somebidy and she is ready. She is looking for another bonner, and Dean send me a message three days a go don't worry she won't look for another bonner she got me hi sed i know her wery well.
Plese stop talikng nonsense and bulshit. For you knowledge i meet Ema last year in bucurest and we spend day together with our friends, we have same friends in bucurest romania. I have planty of Ema's video's and pictures that nobody have. Only Ema and me have that video's and pictures.