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Everything posted by branimir
Can we all together make some good strategy and get EMA BACK ON AN HUGE AND BIG DOOR. Somebody have some tokens to send message to dean to get out that fat ugly pig from his brain, and his home and to imedeatley back EMA to his hom , as soon is posible. Start diggin and searchin where is EMMA gonne. Som of the ema`s stuff is stil ath home with that stinky pig man dean.
Bravo for my geerman friend bravoooo. Dean is big dirty stinky pig. Why she kick Ema like this, why she treat her like dog. Dean wont find girl like Ema . EMA is one in trilion girls with her beaty . In hope she vil come back. Does enybody know whats happen with EMA where is she. We are all worry for her. Bravo für meinen deutschen Freund bravoooo. Dean ist ein großes, schmutziges, stinkendes Schwein. Warum sie Ema so tritt, warum sie sie wie einen Hund behandelt. Dean wird kein Mädchen wie Ema finden. EMA ist eine von drei Mädchen mit ihrem Beaty. In der Hoffnung, dass sie zurückkommt. Weiß jemand, was mit EMA passiert, wo ist sie? Wir machen uns alle Sorgen um sie.
Don`t use that pictures please. On voyeurhose.co in archive thre is no video of dean with that fat pig girl, and from my information surce it wont be that video in archive , because they coun on EM ato shortlu come back and to continue to live with her dean.
Maybie, but i must see what older ema cahturbate videos from 2019 from last year i don' have in my collection. Give me some time, and i will tell you what chaturbate videos forom ema i don't have from the year 2019
Nice photos, i have lot of her photos, abd lot of video's. But where ishe, where us EMA. Why dean don't tell us where is EMA. If dean tell us well he in peace, like this i'm worried for her. If dean told us where is she, we can be satisfied with that i information, we can't do enything wrong to dean we can keep watching dem in peace.
Ema used to be QUEENELLY333 on chaturbate. Now is third month she is not chaturbating. If enybody see her doing any chat under other name please let me know post link here. Thank's a lot.
Enother theory. Ema was filming with amercan and romanian crew name of film is "ASSIST" with Samyel L jackson in first part. Filming was to be over on 8th march, but they finished on 5th march. And seccond part is filming in UK London. Ema didn't go with them on 8th march she was still here. Myabie she is filmin something other with romanian crew outside Bucharest. And there is somwhere in Transilvania some other american film crew filming some other movie. If enybody have eny information abouth EMA quickly post it here.
Den today about 12:40 romanian time was preparing food for EMA big coke 2L, and very big sweet that dean baked yesterday night for EMA. Sims ema gone with lot of books,big toy horse, 2 pillows one like cat, enother like owl, and small dark sutcaise full of sexy underwear, i'm wondering what is she needed sexy clothes???. I'm thinki'n dean moove her to karantine isolation because of corona virus. Before she gone to carantine when she was filming with american film crew, and some romanian film crew she was comming home wery sleepy and very tired. From time to time she was touching front of her head to check for temperature. I think she is in hospital isolation or private. A'm shure that someone from american film crew or romaniam film crew had COVID-19 corona virus but dey dont know they have it. So deam was werry wory abouth Ema's health condition. We gonna see. Best regardas to you sweet beautiful EMA recover ver, soon, and message for both of you EMA and DEAN , get merried wery soon and make lot of children vey soon.
Last information!!!! Now is 14:00h PM romanian time. Dean pack lot of food and coca cola 2L, and he pack big baked sweet that he tonight baked for ema. Sins Ema tok wit her loot of books, sexy underwear big toy horse and two pilows one like cat and one like owl, and small suitkase. I think Dean put his Ema in isolation because of "coronavirus". We know that Ema was filmig a movie with americans and with some romanian crew. Last days she was touching her head from time to time and she was allways tightdy and sleepy. So i think she got corona symptoms. Mr Dean if you read this please give best regards to "EMA" we love her wery much, and best regards to her and as sun is possible to recover from this sickness and to come back home. Same regards to you mr Dean , and please merry that your sweet gorgeus girl EMA and have lot children very soon.
Maybie because of this Coronavirus, Ema will be bak shortly to Dean, we hope. My country is neigborhood vith Romania, and in my coutry from today all borders are closed no entry because of coronavirus.
Video from bedroom if you open it it`s wrong it`s same like video from livingroom Blow job. if somebody from voyeurhouse.com see this, they must change and put proper video from bedroom.
After sex i bedroom the have Blow Job in livingroom and that`s the last of Ema and Dean. I hope it`s not he last we see and pray for them to get quick togeather again.
From last sex in bedroom, before few days.
Iff thay quit for ever, they sholuld told us, so Dean must tell us where is Ema because we are watching them only because of that beautiful girl Ema. If ema left we must follow her where is she gone. My friend's open your eyes and watch. Who first hawe some information post it quick here.
IDean must quick merry her, and that's tje only way he can ceep her. An Deam myst be wery gentle and flexibil with Ema because hi wont find enother beauty girl looking as Ema.
Only i don't want to know is that they quit to be together in that i won't belive. Maybie we see ema more quick back in their aparment than we tought. Ema was sleeping alone because she must have big concentrate while she is taking an rool in that film. And ema was going during day somewhere outside their aprtment. Maybie she went to gynecologyst and doctor exam xer and told her that she is pregnant.
What colur is that luggage if its orange colour and small one that belong's to Ema. Day before Ema was sitting in loby and she was cuddling gently her stomach. Before five or six days thay had big sex in bedroom and dean pepare lot of dildo's and Ema was werry hapy to do that. Dean was back om Emas ass , and normaly he get out his bonner and cum outside on her body. That time Dean was deep inside her on back of her ass, inside her pussy and i saw hi didn't get his bonner outh and he cum inside her, Ema told him something an he smash his head with his hand. Thay look together in that big black box for something they wher looking for something, over there thay keep home medicine and some medicine drugs.
I tink Ema has gone to UK because she was actering in american film, first part was recording in bucharest, second part is in london UK, a n third part willl be filmed in vietnam. Before she left she was non stop on the phone, and somemody mention thath corona virus and airplane is not safe she didnt care. Americans stop recording movie in bucharest romania on 5 march. She packed big orange suitcase, she taught she is going, and than nothing happen. She packed before two days small sutcaise wit all sexy her stuff, in paper beg she put some books and she tok some important papers from bedroom where she and dean are keeping that papers. She prepare and she pack piliow small one cat look and owl look and she took from livingroom that big hoorse toy. Im thinking how is she going to enter in the plane with all that stuff and we all know how much little you can care. She took contract with that film crew. That contract was on the door of the refridgerator.