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Everything posted by masterchef56

  1. I just want to say that you new glasses suits you well.Looking very sexy in them.Love you Leora.
  2. Thank you,thank you girls for a fantastic show.That was awesome.Love you both,girls.
  3. Thanks for the recommendation but it doesn´t help.Only says English(USA)default and Francais.Does change the language from let say german to english.It´s the Google "Choose Language" button we need.
  4. the Google translate is gone again.what happened?I and many others need this button so we can read other language that we don´t understand.Please help us get it back.
  5. And Leora does it again.Giving us another lovely Bate,thank you Leora.Love you.
  6. What a great surprise when I logged in,thank my love for a wonderful risky bate.Love you Leora.
  7. Well another one with his speculation and insinuation.So you have first hand information about that?Moron.
  8. This is speculation.Nothing is going to happen and he knows it.Then he would not be welcome back so stop with insinuations stupid speculation.
  9. Thank you,thank you.Another excellent performance by our 2 lovely girls Leora & Malia.Love you
  10. I don´t think that Malia nows how to use it,and I know that a couple a month ago Leora showed Malia the other ones she has in her drawer and even demonstrate the sound of one of them,I think it was the small black with the white cross and then they both giggled.
  11. Thanks for all the videos you´ve been uploading all these months,they are highly appreciated.So thanks again
  12. Were are you snakeeye?Running out of videos?Miss your uploads,very appreciated.Thanks.
  13. Hello Moderators,I just wonder what happened to the "Choose language" button,can´t find it anywhere.It was very useful for all of us that only understand english,and I´m certain that we are many here at the forum.Sometimes they write in their own language then I could use it so I could read the post.Hope you put it back,need it,thank you.
  14. A question to the mods.Why have you taken away the "choose Language" button.It was very helpful for all of us that don´t understand frensh spanish,italian,polish or other language other than english.I miss it,now I can´t read some of the post.I know this is of topic but I didn´t now where to write it.Please help me with this.
  15. Are you shure?Because right now Malia is in bed beside Leora.And she has another negligee on.If you look at the clock when she did it,and Malia has been with Leora for last 2 hours, and it´s 1:22 am right now.
  16. Another beautiful bate Leora,thank you.Love you Leora.☺️
  17. It wasn´t dinner Pulo,it was a piece of cake she bought today when she was out shopping.
  18. And Leora strikes again with a second beautiful bate today,now on the couch,it´s been a long time when she did that thanks again beautiful.Love you.
  19. Just saw the replay and yes it was another beautiful bate with the new dildo.Very wet today,loved it,thank you Leora,love you.🙂
  20. You are just disgusting with your insinuation and stupid speculation,keep them for yourself.
  21. I think it means that they are on vacation for some days,they has often gone away for 2-3 days so that you know that they will not be home.
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