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Everything posted by masterchef56

  1. You never know,Leora´s period should be over on wednesday or thursday.Then we will see what´s happen,but I don´t think there will be any fingers slipping in,sorry.
  2. It´s not going to happen,Leora has a tampon in her P,she´s on her period.
  3. Don´t you think I know that,same shit.Don´t you know what a masterchef is,I was the head chef in the kitchen in many restaurants for many years,and yes you call it foie gras but it´s the same shit as goose liver.Only difference is that the frensh force feed the goose to get the liver x-tra fat.
  4. I will only thank you jimbo4 for stand up for the girls and I would have done it myself if I could express myself better though english is not my native language so it´s hard for me to write everything I have inside me to express my feelings,thanks again.
  5. Wow,thank you my lovely Leora.That was an excellent,beautiful and sensual bate and I loved it.Love you always.
  6. Yes I know,and it´s always almost every frenchspeaking dumb ass that has so stupid coments and insulting post that gets me mad. I can´t understand why they are here if they don´t like what they see,it must be something in the water or the food they eat,goose liver.
  7. Paul is her ex-boyfriend from russia.They still have alot in common,not just the dog Eva.She helps him with his company.They talk almost every day several times a day.
  8. Don´t think it´s possible,the border to czech republic are still closed so I don´t think they will be open in december.
  9. I´m quite sure that if we didn´t have this covid-19 and Paul could visit Prague whenever he wanted,Leora wouldn´t be involved with this other guy.
  10. You must be a really dumb ass.Don´t you think Leora is fully aware of this and will do everything she can to take care of it and she does. So grow up little boy and go somewhere else if you can´t take it.
  11. That´s a damn lie,she almost always stay for one night.It have happened that´s she´s been staying 2 nights too but rarely so most of the time she sleeps at home.
  12. Yes I know how you feel but there´s absolutely nothing we can do about even if we could.We can only write here and hope that she will read what we suggest she should do.But it´s her life and we can only hope that she´s not going to be hurt again.But I know it´s going to be like that again.
  13. To my beloved Leora.What´s happened tonight was the worse thing I´ve ever seen here.When you were crying it nearly broke my heart. I hate when you are crying,but this was something different.It was so heartbreaking that I couldn´t breath.Please don´t expose us for this anymore.I have been a fan of yours for many years now and I love you with all of my heart.But this that happened tonight was so awful.My advice to you is that you have to let this go.This man is not good for you,you are worth so much better.So please Leora for your own good,cut this person out of your life because he´s not worthy you.We are many here on CC that wish you the best,we love you and admire you.We don´t want you to be hurt.And yes I was almost crying when I heard your crying.
  14. We can only hope that she will realize that this is not good for her,it´s all up to her.I´ve seen her cry before but this was the worse that I´ve ever seen,it almost broke my heart when I heard her.
  15. Oh this isn´t the first time she´s crying and it sure wont be the last time either,trust me.
  16. If you haven´t seen it,GAG-HER already said it was not Paul on the phone at that time so you better wake up.And about the T-shirt it´s not directed to Paul either and you better start reading what it says right,It is "He think he´s the boss".
  17. Well,all I can say is that I couldn´t see this coming earlier this evening when they looked so tired both of them so this was a very nice surprise.
  18. Wooow,that was fantastic girls,2 powerful orgasms really nice that Leora used the dildo all the way this time.Wow,love you girls always.
  19. Unless they have floor loops,it´s a quite modern apartment so it could be possible.But I think you´re right because they often wear socks.
  20. Thank you,thank you my love.That was an fantastic bate with an massive orgasm.Love you always,Leora.
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