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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. The jealous card is priceless. What's he got to be jealous about? As for her. She might find out one day what a decent fuck is. 🤣
  2. What's Dumb and Dumber been saying now lol. 🤣
  3. See if we can get it going again. Bit of fun. Post lyrics to a song in 5 words or less. Members try and guess the song title/band etc. No cheating if possible. 🤣 ☆ I see the torch
  4. Only these two would be hoovering at this time of the morning 01:45. 😂
  5. That's it Insayn. Rubber on. 🤣
  6. Just wacky baccy as far as I know. Been out on the balcony puffing away.
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