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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. let's hope so. She can pack Monica and Amira as well and why not Lorainne while she's at it
  2. I'm not saying he is there for her money but there is no money now in Russia so his business must have slowed down like everything else. Anyway, it's between them and no business of ours.
  3. That leather top sure was sexy 😋
  4. Amira and Monica should wear these, they would look great!!
  5. Agreed! but there is a saying that goes: no matter how gorgeous she is, she is still someone's pain in the ass! 😁
  6. also the same guy who was showing his dick to another guy on his phone.
  7. Esmi was not there when Zaba first arrived and she did nothing then except for that one time with a man under the covers! They are both good looking girls and I sure would like to see more of them but I doubt this will happen. Not sure If I want them to leave, look what happened in B4 with the return of Amira, probably the ugliest girl ever in RLC with a close runner up in B7 Nelly.
  8. she got a nice ass and nice titties! don't care for the inflated lips 😁
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