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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. Get rid of both and the 2 sisters from B1 to start with
  2. again, agree 100% he is fixated with Ulyana calling her the General... and so far, she is a failure like the rest of them.
  3. My comment was based on what I read here regarding her easily getting sick, cold, runny nose etc. Where I am, 17C can be cold to go outside without proper clothing depending on the humidity level and also depending on what activity is going on. Sitting idly in this temperature without any sunshine is probably not that warm. I would have made the same remark to my child, so there was no harm or insult intended. Just concern about her well being. The haha was more about you overreacting and assuming the worse. cheers!
  4. I'm sorry but you indicated that you were confused and I was just trying to help
  5. STE I see you are confused. 17C means 17 Celsius. There, hope this helps with yo😁ur confusion
  6. she sure is not getting any smarter 17C on the balcony
  7. et pas du tout appétissant la vue des deux maigrichonnes. surtout celle en plastique!
  8. Now, that would be very boring. Lets hope a lot of bad things happen!!
  9. Danny is the supplier / druggy, the druggies are the ones who get it from him.
  10. For myself, I have not seen much change since your sub ended. Fait enough, the issue of Ukraine kept her busy and worry but that seems to have stabilized now and as far as I can see she is the same as before this event. But, in the end, you have to check for yourself as we each have our own reason(s) to follow her. I was just about to end my sub when Zena appeared so I renewed hoping she would bring some life in the apt. I never thought she was RLC material but as with Malia, we never know where things can go. So for myself, if there are no changes by the time my new sub expires, I will not renew. I understand her need for privacy outside the apt and I am not one to make things up about what she does then, my interest is only with what she does and how she does it inside the apt. For myself, she needs to have someone, male or female in this apt and ideally, this would be a lady with whom she can pursue her experimentation with the same sex. I do not think that a roommate would be a good idea, she needs her own space. If I am one of the Gobshites who don't know the difference between their arse and their elbow, just ignore 🤪
  11. Hey SG, Hope you got my PM. Please share any good news you may have about Malia 😟 Tks!
  12. I give 5 for the grapes (they looked fresh) and 3 for the bate for a total: 8
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