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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Elisa & Vika were talking about the visa again, Elisa is not sure if what she stated in her application will be acceptable to obtain the visa. Vika instructed her how to answer questions. Elisa will have to go back home to get the visa but she plans to leave her belongings in the apartment.
  2. Last night girls were talking in the living room about Elisa's visa. Her parents submitted documents to extend her visa as it ends on Saturday, 11.06. There is a problem with Sunday 12.06 where Elisa would be one day without a visa.
  3. The other day Kristy said her friends opened Yoga club and asked her if she could be one of the instructors.
  4. Turns out that Kami wasn't expected to return early from her trip. Girls didn't reveal much, one thing is certain that her visitor didn't want to go straight home. Her parents are moving and she didn't want to help so she stayed at Kami's place as long as she could. After few calls from parents she went home. Kami went out with Dima.
  5. They went to the store, her friend is a smoker. Most likely she will stay for the night or longer.
  6. Kristy is gone to a birthday party and won't be back today, she left keys for Kami's mother which is going stay for the night.
  7. How can you claim all of this just because you saw they had money? Reading this makes me sick.
  8. Kristy for next 3 days will work until 16:00 beside that she still goes to school in the afternoons.
  9. If there was one they would stay home more than anyone else and that's not the case. As they plan things ahead: vacations, work trips, etc... they're living their lives as they wish this isn't VV where tenants are performing every night.
  10. There is not much to report as girls didn't talk about what happened "K&K kissing", mainly about what they're doing outside and other unrelated things. I heard last night that Kami is leaving on Tuesday to Emirates. Apparently when K&D had sex last night, Kristy was sneaking on the balcony, later she said to Kami that she "saw them".
  11. It supposed to be a kissing practice for Kristy but it turned into something more. Despite Ksirty's initial problems with getting in the mood, girls got heavily into the roles. At the end Kami said she felt strongly stimulated.
  12. From the videos above there is a talk about his job. Depending on location they might be leaving RLC, she mentioned Balaklava, Crimea which is on the other side of the country where he would have to work for first 3 years. Whether that's going to happen will have to wait and see.
  13. He lost patience with her as she wouldn't shut up. Then he apologized.
  14. What I meant she wouldn't tell him about it why would she? We all know about it because she told everything to one of her girlfriends visiting her in the apartment. So far looks he hasn't read any of that or even if he did he still wants to be with her.
  15. What makes you think he knows what she was doing on her vacation? She certainly won't share any of that info, the other day she was asking Kristy what her boy knows about her so if the guys talk together they won't spill anything the other doesn't know about their past adventures.
  16. Before leaving Kristy talked to her friends saying she should be back at 18:00 so in case she is not back she left the keys for them.
  17. Kristy was expecting meeting her lover boy yesterday but that didn't happen....don't read too much into it...
  18. She stated many times she needs her own peaceful space away from him, that's how she feels in this place living with Kristy.
  19. Just because Kami is spending a lot of time with him now doesn't mean she is moving back in with him. That's not going to happen anytime soon if ever, knowing how things were before he started playing good boyfriend role.
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