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Everything posted by kitek

  1. 13.08 approx. 12:25 Kami & Kristy in the bathroom Kristy asks what movie she watched last night. Kami talks about "Soviet life" Kristy says that she failed to see this film at the festival but she wants to see it. Later, they are talking about tablets which Kami takes, then Kristy talks about her problems with the guy from yesterday. After the meeting with the woman he urged her to meet up after her workout and go to the cinema and then to karaoke. He gave her roses. Kristy does not know what to do with it. She can not tell him directly that he shoudn't count for anything more. Kami trying to advise her says that perhaps when Kristy talks to him may find that's all he wants. Kristy is trying find out from Kami why she extended her trip. She thought Kami was partying hard. Kami brushes her teeth and is unresponsive. Kristy asks what they were doing at the cinema. Kami says that from 24:00 until 3:00 almost sat in the car and kissed. Each sat in their own seat. He embraced my neck and hair but he saw I don't want more than that. Kristy asks Kami for how long she can not (I understand that it is about sex). Kami says that for 8 days. Later, Kristy asks about his brother. Kami says it's not a brother. Later talks about the end of August. Kristy: The end of August are your best days. Kami says the boy yesterday said: And your ... Kristy Kristy: Is it in the house ?! Kami: No, he wanted to ask whether you are one of us - (from Kami's hometown). Kami I said: no, but I do not know what he was thinking there. Kristy says she is in the film with a huge guy. Kami says that from the time I met with him she didn't have any makeup. If she was wearing makeup they would have on their lips. It turns out that they kiss all over her face in the movie. Kristy asks if they meet today. Kami: Yes. Only we have to determine what to do. Kristy asks if she going to tell him about Dima. Kami says she will tell him about her ex. Kristy again talks about guys and states that she should decide and pick one but she has high demands and should reduce it. She says she can not jump above her abilities. On the other hand, she can not refuse guys she do not like because she does not want to offend them. Kami: Mother of mercy. Then, about a girl who on net has 1.3 million fans and the idea of Katya's page on the Internet "Moscow beaches: expectations and reality." 13.08 at 13:05 Kristy's bedroom While Kristy strokes Kami she asks if he scratches her. Kami says: how pleasant it is when man does it and understands that it gives someone pleasure not like Dima who didn't understand this. Kami says he strokes her on the back, hands, armpits, hands etc. Kristy: It already looks like pornography. Kami: I have something embarrassing on you . Later Kami apparently begins to feel the excitement. Kristy thinks it tickles her but Kami says she feels as if someone slowly caressed her. Kristy says that when Kami talks about it she too begins to feel the excitement. Kami says that for a long time she had no sex and reaches for the phone to check when was her last time. Kristy surprised asks whether Kami notes it. Kami says she keeps it in a calendar. With Dima was so rare that it's easy to forget when it happened. Kristy says she remembers it when it was Yura and Andrew. Kami says Kristy unnecessarily once convinced herself that she hates Yura and Andrew, and so far she hates them. Kristy starts again to dream of a long-haired, good-looking guys who would loved her. Kami laughs. Later, they are talking about a guy who had to organize a trip for them. Kristy asks whether it is certain. Kami says she will ask him. If it is not certain they must begin to organize something else. The guy is English-speaking and girls joke what to write in the email. Words like "fuck" and so on. That's when Kristy begins to poke Kami with a bottle. Kami says that when she was on the train she had dream where she had sex with someone. She does not remember who. Then she was masturbating. Someone in her sleep interrupted her, and when she woke up she had fingers in her pussy. She felt ashamed. She was covered but not completely and she is not sure if fellow passengers did not notice anything. Kami says that at the moment she needed desperately that someone penetrated her. Kristy pokes her ass with a bottle and says: If you want I can penetrate you. Kristy: Little girl can not be satisfied. You may need to buy sex machine? Kami laughs. I'll have to first examine [on you] how it works. Ooo !! Button. Again returning to what to write in the mail. Kami: I am writing to him, "I want it now ...." etc. I want to know if I go or not. Kami does not know how to write. Kristy: Type "We come or not come," In the end, Kami writes, "I want to know we come or not come." Kami says that her new guy suggested trip to his colleague's cottage. It turned out that they do not go because wife of a colleague is not going. And now he writes that he wants to go and hang out with the guys and they will meet after his return. Kami obviously agrees but says to Kristy that until now he was in bed and it became too late to go there and get back. Kami says that she is checking him. Kristy: Oh, it begins. Kami says she doesn't want it like it was Zhenya who wouldn't come on time. Kristy: You do not give people a chance. Kami: I do 20:05 Kami left saying to Kristy she will be back but she didn't return yet.
  2. Kristy did parachute jumping today with an instructor. She was scared but she overcame her fear of heights and flying. Now she wants take parachute course so she could jump on her own.
  3. Sounds like she is going to have room-mate in the near future, she was on the phone with her girl friend from Ukraine, instructing her what to do so she can come down and share the bedroom with her.
  4. 06-08-16 Kitchen conversation Amy has problems. She lacks confidence and has low self-esteem. Of course, as is clear from the conversation, the cause is little interest from guys. Lola and Megan console her and advise what to do to strengthen confidence. First of all, she should like herself. Should several times a day tell herself that she is super and so on, have kind of psychological training. Lola says that often the source of complexes of this type to be found in childhood. Amy says that she is aware of the fact that appearance is not the most important and not the only thing that makes a girl sexy. Lola says that breast size does not matter much. She knows a lot of girls that have a size of 1 or 2 and can not free themselves from the guys. She says that Amy has great potential. Simply press the two buttons and get rid of the complexes. It seems that the direct cause of this conversation was a situation with the guys on the beach. Something happened that Amy got sorry. From the conversation we can learn that Amy is 22 years old. Lola asks Amy about relationship with her father. Amy: Not well. Further she says that relationship with parents did not work out too well. Later, she left home for school. She says that her father screams at her, saying that other children are normal and she is an idiot. Amy says that when her father enters the room she leaves. Lola finds that the relationship with her father have a very big impact on self-esteem of girl. Amy says that relationship with her mother did not work out well. She has a very good relationship with her aunt. Mother did not know when Amy had her first period, first boyfriend, first sex. She found out about it after 4 years. Her aunt knew all about it. Mom would not do anything to her but she could not tell her anything at that time. Now it is different. She can talk to her about everything. Amy complains about her appearance. her hair. Lola and Megan protest. Lola shows her hair and asks what she has to say in this case with her hair. She says that Amy's hair is one of the biggest advantages in her appearance. Adds her femininity and sexiness. Lola says that men prefer short women and not tall as her. Megan says that the girl should be a coquette and she likes to flirt. Not everything can be understood from what Megan says, because she mixes Russian with Ukrainian and vice versa. Most, however, is said in Ukrainian. The girls have no problem understanding her. Megan says that fat girls come dance where you can see their fat shaking but don't care because they like themselves as they are. Do not think constantly about your faults all the time. Then they talk about the plans for the evening. Lola said that she was going somewhere with Polya. Magan wonders if they could join them with Amy later. Lola offers them metro ticket. Next girls say that they save on everything and especially on traveling in Barcelona. Megan says something that they feel uncomfortable about undressing especially Amy. Lola laughs. She says she will soon begin to walk in their underwear, later in knickers and later will not have any resistance. She says: If you like your own body you should not have a problem with that.
  5. FYI Last two video chat session she did I presume was to get more subscribers for her VK & FB. She was asking them to register, no idea why she needs more followers.
  6. On the night Ilona visited Lola they had backstabbing session before sleep. They are talking about tattoos. Ilona shows where else she wants to have a tattoo, Then I: Only with Polya I will not go anywhere. L: Why? I: So, she still complains. "It is not it. It is not it." L: For Poly is most important that attention was directed at her. If not, the problems begin. L tells the story of how in the past they met with a handsome guy, and when L talked to him Polya approached them stood beside stared at him and shook her hips. After a while, when apparently he paid no attention to her, Polya said: Sure. You do not like brunettes and left. And Ilona tell a similar story involving Danaya L:It's always like that. When there is a guy who devotes his attention not only to her she sits in front of him, touches him ... L tells the story she had heard from her friend that has friendship with Polya. Colleague and Polya together with their boyfriends went to have some fun. And as they sat at the table, Polya sang to her girlfriend boyfriend: " You have a beard, I'll tell you 'yes'. " Then to her boyfriend " No beard. My answer is "no"). Later they said that when they got to know Polya she seemed normal. approx. 2:18 in the bedroom More talk about Polya Ilona talking about casting: When you have model qualities there is no problem to qualify. And she is not model type. When I show her pictures somewhere immediately they say no. They criticize her makeup and figure. Lola says that she drew attention to Polya's make-up but no results. Then Ilona said that when she met Lola her first impression was that she is a very serious but has now changed her mind. Again, Ilona goes back to stab Polya. She states that Polya is not serious just stupid. Lola echoes her: She is just a bitch. They keep going on and on about Polya. approx. 2:28 Ilona turns her ass to the window and laughingly says she wants to fart. L: I let the goat into my garden, and now she will break down all the air.They kept for a long time joking about this. Lola stated that girls visit was very nice and hopes they come to see her again. Ilona says , that if Polya will continue to behave like this she will not have a company because neither Irma or Ilona are willing to put up with this.
  7. Lola moved to new girls only apartment in Barcelona.
  8. Just to clarify few things: Recently Angels and Kristy finished school and received Economics Diploma. Beside that Kristy studies media at private school so they have film and TV projects at TV station. Her trip do Azores will involve shooting documentary video for her studies.
  9. Kristy was the other day at Ostankino TV station. Not sure whether it was casting for TV presenter but they said that she was the most monotonous of the whole group. She was very upset about it. Kristy: So boring and sad. Kami and Nastya protested how could it be. Kristy: All of my jokes on TV are not in place, and when I am deprived of them I do not know what to say.
  10. She has to prepare some kind of video, she needed better computer for video editing. She was terrified she lost her video clips, the other day she was looking for it all day.
  11. As of latest news, turns out that Kami is actually going back home to see her family & friends.
  12. Kami said that before she leaves she is going to meet both of the guys. The guy that was at the party is Kami's first love. She is also going to meet the club guy because he asked if they can meet before she leaves. Both of them have the same first name.
  13. Today she said that she is not going to see him anymore. He is superficial. He is interested only in his own body and his position at the club. Behaves politely to her but not to all. On the phone he says to a girl that works in the club, "You fucking idiot, you fucked up again" afterwards smiles to her.
  14. 24.07 approx. 1:07 in the kitchen Kristy to Nastya: I wonder whether they kiss. In fact, they should. (Kami & Zhenya) Nastya draws attention to the dirty kitchen floor. Kristy complains that it is difficult to keep it clean. Nastya says that they should hire someone to clean. Kristy, it's expensive. Nastya, she knows Ukrainians who are not expensive. Kristy asks Nastya about Italy. From what Nastya says she lived for some time with a rich divorced man as an escort girl. When he left for work she had a lot of time for herself. She enrolled in language courses. She played sports. In the evening, they led a social life. She earned $ 9-10 thousand. euro. approx. 1:30 bathroom Kristy asks Nastya to tell about her boob job. Nastya asks: Now? Here? She pretends to be ashamed of it. In the end, she shows breasts and tells her everything. Kristy is fascinated. Nastia asked her about getting boob job. Kristy covering breasts in defense motion said: No. It's too expensive, and I am afraid of the pain. Later they watch Nastya's trip videos . approx. 1:38 returns Kami Nastya: She is so happy. Kristy: They kissed. Kami: No. Kristy: How so? Kami: I ran away from him. Kristy: Why? Kami: Because I want to keep my image. Kristy: How long will you persist. Kami: As long as I will needed. Kami: We rode in the elevator and he immediately began to hug me. So far, we have seen each other 2 times and the first time he had seen me without heels. We stand and he is so much taller. He has more than 1m 90 cm. Kristy: You know this Tarzan? Z: "How can such a good little girl meet with like me?" Kami: "I like his inner qualities." Z: "I would like to know this girl" Girls go wild. Nastya: Will you get to know him? Kami: Yes. You can not imagine how badly I want him. Nastya: Get in the tub. Kristy: Very? Kami: I really want to. Nastya: Show photos. Kristy: I have not showed her. Kami: Is it a secret? Kristy: I do not know. I just do not have time. Kristy: Show some sexy pictures Kami: I do not have any. Nastya says that he a bit doesn't seem to be Russian. Kristy: What's next. You touched him. I told Nastya, you wanted to touch him. Kami We held hands ... (to Nastya) she told you everything? Nastya: I know nothing about it. For now I got to know with Kristy. Kami points at naked Kristy in the bathtub, and says that they are doing well. Kristy: She showed me her tits. Kristy: Talk. Kami points to Nastya: I will tell you from the beginning and .... Nastya Tell me now. Without the beginning it will not be interesting. Kami says she smells alcohol. Kristy: Nastya said she drank two ciders. Nastya asks Kristy if she drank anything. Kami: She does not drink. Kristy: Talk Kami: First, I refused. Nothing. We went to the movies. My film began about 5 minutes earlier than his. I would go to see his.... Nastya: But you had to get it your way. Kami: I told him that he arrived so late that we did not have time for my session. I started jumping up and down, "Please. Please, "and he agreed. He asked whether the child is happy. Kami starts talking about the film. Kristy: Tell me how you been touching each other. Kami We were holding hands. Later, he held my leg and I his arm. Kami: After movies he asked if we're going home. As a result, he drove me home. Nastya: Did he immediately thought that you will go to his place. Kami: No. The idea was if I wanted to go with him to the club. Previously, it was so, first we went to the cinema and then to the club. Therefore, he must be there. Shortly we drive up to the house. I did not want to kiss him. This is not the moment. I do not feel yet that I should. We arrived and he was holding my hand, I lean and gently kissed him on the lips and moved away. He was surprised and was trying to pull me back. I moved away and said goodnight. He made a face, he regretted that this was the only way to say goodbye. Nastya: Next time. Kristy: You talked about something? Nastya: In the cinema? Can not talk much. Kami: Not so much. Nastya: And how old is he? Kami: 32 Nastya: Looks younger. Kristy: He has a super ride? Nastya: What? The girls do not know what is the brand but remember the logo. Looking on the internet they found it is Chrysler. Kristy says he also has his own apartment. Kami did not know whether he owns it. Nastya states that if he has expensive car and doesn't own his place then he is an idiot. Why spend money on a super expensive car. The apartment is more important. Kami explains that you can definitely buy used inexpensive car. Kami at the moment goes to the restroom and returns with no pants. She wants to say something but the girls laugh, that she is well prepared for performances at the club. To go to the club and show off your stockings. Kami takes off his stockings and says to Kristy that she could masturbate. They laugh. Kristy: Get lost. My pussy. My case. Kami: We totally do not match. When it comes to sex, I'm sure that everything will be ok. Nastya: Well, if you expect that he will be like Dima ... Kami: Not like Dima. There are people with whom you can easily talk. Which we understand easily and they us, and with whom you feel calm. As it was with "the party guy" who was with us. And with him I feel the tension. Of course, I like him very much but I feel towards others advantage that I'm so great and here is vice versa. I feel that I totally mean nothing next to this Apollo. Nastya: What Apollo is he? Kami: In my eyes, yes. In the club everyone listen to him and look at him, and it's so kind and caring. And I? Nastya: "And I?" Kristy: Kami thinks it could be a game. Kami: Yes. I think it's so to bring the case to a particular purpose and then end. Kristy: Kami seen how he treats other girls. Tell me. Tell me. Nastya: Can I hear the story from the beginning? Kami: Yes. Soon. We're going in the car ... Nastya to Kristy: Close the tap. Why do you waste water for no reason? I can not afford such extravagance. Kami points at the tub: Do you know how many liters goes there? And you know how many times a week? 7 min. Kristy: I have not washed up yesterday. Kami: But tomorrow you wash twice. Nastya: In the tub I bathe probably three times a year. I'm taking a showers. I do not know what to do in the bathtub. Kristy: We do not have a shower. Tell me. Kami: We're going, and girl calls him . He: What? Now I have to solve your problems? I'm not on the site. I drop everything to take care of your case? Kristy: I also could experience this. Kami: The first time we were in the cinema during the session to a lot of people ringing him and he answered them. Nastya: He can not meet with you at another time? Kami throws up her hands. Kristy: Ask him. Kami: I'll tell you the whole story later why we can not meet then you understand. Only at the beginning he texted few messages.. When we were leaving I asked him why it did not write anything. He showed me that the phone has plenty of stored messages. I was fortunate because I can not imagine watching a horror movie when he would write on the phone. approx 2:12 in the bedroom Kami to Kristy: We driving and he asks: What are your plans for tomorrow? Kami: Are you kidding? We already discussed it. Z: All right, let's not talk about it. Kami: I wrote it to you not just for fun. Remind yourself. Z: Pictures? Kami to Kristy: I am not some chick which someone does not remember about. I told him: Beach. Z: Aaa. Kami to Kristy: That's what bothers me. He doesn't attach any significance to what you tell him. And yet this. I told him at the beginning that I live with you. The second time I told him that you left for one night. And now he asks me if I live alone. If he was interested then he would remember. He is not suitable for me. I do not feel it normally like with this guy at the party. That is not it, absolutely not. It remains only that I want to get him but I see that I am not able drag this any longer. Kristy: And what's his deal? Kami: Just good girl with a good figure which he can get. He thinks she is so decent and is not one of these that on first night go to bed. Kristy: I do not know. See what you need. Do you want to participate in the competition for heroism. Kami: I'm not so horny that I have to get him. I feel with him so uncomfortable. Yes, it is pleasant for me when he touches me. I do not care to get his respect. Kristy: Respect? Kami: He sees a chick that is not easy and will be with after her until he scores. Next talk about the fact that he is not asking her about anything. Nothing interests him about her. Does not say anything about himself. Their talks come down to: What do you do? What are your plans? What to see at the movies. He is not trying to find out what is her opinion on any subject. Kami also tells about his reaction to the film, where the guy really wanted to be with a woman and she rejected him. He commented that she should be satisfied that a guy wants to stay with her. Nastya came from the bathroom, Kristy went to her room.
  15. Last night talking to Kami says this Kristy: I like when a big guy fills and is stretching my pussy.
  16. Apparently Kami's girlfriend will be staying over night as they go to the beach tomorrow. Zhenya again late. Kami getting impatient. This guy can't keep his word, out of 4 times he showed up only once.
  17. She went to see her BF, the one she promised force to fuck. Kami is meeting tonight with the guy from the club.
  18. Last night Kristy calls Kami around 2 am. Kami: I can not decide for you whether you want to fuck or go home. and she didn't come back home....
  19. She likes to joke a lot so you can't take everything she says seriously. Especially when she in a group, she is the loudest talking and laughing all the time. No idea how serious is that relationship, she is still not sure about this guy, especially because his name is the same as her real name but male version, she is very picky. Over the time, she has dated so many guys and most of them were not good enough to continue the relationship. Except Yura who apparently is now a history after his last visit and her recent talks about him.
  20. To clarify last night events the guy at the party is not Kami's BF, currently she doesn't have an official BF. The guy she met in the club, spend only two nights with her in the club apart from that they only text or talk on the phone. She doesn't know if he is interested as he doesn't respond much so she is not sure where this is going. It turns out that the guy at party is from her hometown and she has not seen him for two years. She slept with him before but this time most likely she put too much pressure on him and he couldn't handle the cameras. At one point he started waving at the cameras: Kami asked why is he waving? He said something: "To them" then she got pissed off and slapped him. He was supposed to sleep there as they discussed what time they want to wake up but after his disappointing performance things changed and he left. He wanted Kami go to his place but she refused. Before he left he asked Kami if that's the last time they are seeing each other. She said 'Yes' but they still hugged and kissed for good bye. Here is girls conversation after the party: Fist Kristy explained to the girls why there were no more guys. One of them phoned and said he is not coming as he has a girlfriend. Later, Kami said that there was no sex with this guy. Kami: In the beginning was great. And then he no longer wanted. I tried several times and nothing came of it. Jula asked why she did not go to his place as he proposed. Kami said she didn't have a desire. Later, Kristy says that she proposed to her BF but he did not answer\ She says that BF instead of coming over sleeps at home. Kristy says that she will force him to have sex. She shows pictures of her BF. He is 24. Julia says that men should not behave like girls. Kristy noticed that Kami is sitting with a sad face. Kami says it has already ended. Girls are surprised. Jula asks about any guys who slept in this apartment. Kami says that she slept with Dima and there were no problems. Girls are surprised that this guy had problem. Kami did not expect he would refuse her. Kristy laughs and says that IN THIS apartment only 2 people had normal sex. She points on Katya. Then she looks at Kami who says she had sex here twice first was abnormal and one normal.
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