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Everything posted by kitek

  1. I was reading some comments about tension between K&K. There is no tension between them. You're getting wrong impression.
  2. 9.05.2016 Girls talking while eating today. Anna is seeing some guy she met in Barcelona. He is not a Russian. Bella is very specific. She asks if she brought him home yet. Later, Bella asked Anna something about sex on the table. (?????) After a moment, Bella asks whether they could play twister tonight. She adds .... and strip. Girls were clearly surprised. Bella says, that actually she is not yet ready to get naked. First, she should get some tan. Anna jokes: tan and lose weight.
  3. 31.08 3:12 S&M discuss their sex life. S: You're not listening to me. You always do it your way. I listen to you. M: I do not understand what's going on. S: Many times you told me, "You want too much. You want too often. I do not want as often as you." M: Good. When was it? Let me guess. In the winter. S: At the beginning of the summer. M: At the beginning of the summer. Well. I told you that I do not have .... (???) It also contributes to .... (???). You said "yes, yes, yes." S: You decided to sacrifice. I understand that. I also thought about my opinion. After all, you made exceptions for me. M: You interpret this to make it easy for you. I have such an impression. S: Interesting. At one time it was too much for you and now is not enough. M: And did not you notice that you move from one extreme to the other. When I did not want it, that was the end. Is that not extreme? S: Yes. M: Too much? It will not be at all. Yes? S: Is between us nothing? M: No. I'm just saying that you are able to make such a decision. S: If you think it would be better for you ... M: What does this have to do with it? Why for me has to be better? You immediately draw conclusions ... S: I do not. I just listen to you. M: You have a grudge that before departure, there was nothing for three days. I was away for 2 days. I came and you do not want anything So it's about me. It's logical? It seems to me that it is logical. S .... (???) M: So somehow I do not suit you. Next day you give me ultimatum, "it will be so or not at all." It does not make sense. S: According to you it turns out that between us there is nothing, and you think there is only one possibility. You don't consider second option. Yes? M: Yes. Because when I suggested let's go now, you said that you do not want it. And now you're saying it will be so or not at all. When you're ready then it will be sex. Well. So that's how you want? S: Ok. Well. (She wipes away a tear.) M: Good. According to my logic, it does not suit you. Yes? S: No. M: At this point, you usually say, "Why do I have to convince you. You have already decided about that. Yes? S: You draw such a conclusions only because in the past I wanted a lot and now I do not want so much. These are all your arguments. Is my understanding correct? M: My argument is that until recently you told me that I pay too little attention to you, and now by far ... "No, I do not want. I rethought everything. " M: You've changed your mind. Now you do not want so often. For some time it was between us as usual. You had sex not because you were tempted just because I wanted to. It was a gift of love. You had sex only out of love for me, because I had such physical needs. S: You sit at night and you thinking about such nonsense? M: No. S: Where does it comes from? M: These thoughts come to my mind. After what you're telling me these thoughts have the right to come into my head. S: So why did not you think of that I can feel bad with this? M: Why do you feel bad? But it seemed to me that we have agreed that if one of us does not want then we don't do it. You make it sound as if the initiative was on your side. But you hold off the initiative and it turns out that the initiative should come only from my side. Sex is only my initiative and therefore telling me that it is too often is illogical S: It seems to me perfectly logical because you know when I want it but do not exhibit the initiative because I do not know if you want it. I do not get your moments. When I want it, you do not want to and vice versa. M: Well? S: Yeah? M: I can not agree with you. There were times that we both wanted but because of the fact that you did not show any desire. I told you we should otherwise go about it. I told you we should clearly indicate that we want. If kisses are not enough, then we should do it by touch. S: And what was nothing like that? M: Wait. Both recall and analyze the different situations between them from June to date. She recalls that, in June, for any time the initiative came from her side. M: In August I spent here about two weeks of which 6 days there was no sex between us. Of the remaining eight days you made no more than 3 attempts.
  4. 30.08 around 13:00 M asks when you returned? L: After 4. M: What were they doing? L: Do not ask. She tells that with some guy walked along beach and in the end they came to the worst possible club. M shows something on the phone. L says that if you want to order it now. Later M long says something in Ukrainian. L: Here are two possibilities. Either sex on the beach or sex at the hotel. M seems to prefer the hotel. M again said something what I can only understand that she thinks that she is a girl with class. Lola all the time laughing. At the end she states that it is funny. L then asks why is M massaging her face. They talk about it and plastic surgery. L states that M is well proportioned and does not need operation. M looks at herself in the mirror and leaves.
  5. Anna tells the story: When she walked out from the house she met her friend talking with some guys. When she was walking by the guys could not see her face. After a while, she heard one of them running behind her. He offered her a ride. She agreed because she was in a hurry. They exchanged phone numbers. After returning home, her friend asked Anna if no one wanted to meet with her. Anna: Yes. Anna's friend said that the boy for 15 minutes talked to her and when he saw Anna's butt immediately stopped the conversation, he said that he is in a hurry and ran after Anna. Her friend had a date with him to go to the cinema. He suggested the same to Anna. Her friend wrote to him that she would come with her sister. _________________________
  6. Last night bedroom talk L: That kid (Megan) never touched herself. That is why I said that we need go with her to sex-shop and buy her vibrator. A: How can you live without it? M: I do not know. L: If you did it correctly and reached the orgasm, believe me ... A: How old you were when you were the first time with your boyfriend? M: 17. A: I was 16. For a long time I did not know what is an orgasm with a man. And by myself? I do not remember since when. L: By myself? From childhood. And when I was first time with a boy I was 15 and a half, closer to 16 when I lost my virginity. First I got an oral then sex. M: You had the courage? L: I was 15 years old and was still so silly. As I now recall. Back then I have not shaved. (girls laugh) A: Some people like it. L: Men generally like it. When I had a relationship with my ex, ex, ex when I had little bush they liked it. Just a little. A: Naturally. M: (inaudible) L: I had initially problems with getting pussy licked. I did not understand it. A: I was initially ashamed when I had pussy licked. I was very ashamed. Rarely allowed it. And later... L: I was so stupid. M: It means that I'm stupid? L: You're a fool because until now you have not experienced an orgasm. You can work on it alone. Man is not needed for this. A: The thing is that this alone will not happen. L: For this you must be prepared. Grow up. Get to know your body. Work. Get to know all the points, what and how. M: I have studied and nothing came out of it. L: Try it with yourself. Perhaps you can be more relaxed with yourself. A: Maybe subconsciously you think it's a bad thing. M: No. (speaks Ukrainian) L: Orgasm is vaginal and clitoral. A: There is a point G. L: I have a sexologist and psychologist. A: I had problems with orgasm. By myself no problem but with a man never. I had to experiment. L: It also depends on the man and sexual positions. For some only on the top and some not at all. Everything depends on whether it's properly rubbed. Next can't understand because of loud music. M: talks for long in Ukrainian. L: And you tried to have sex with another man? M: No. L suggests that she should try with someone experienced. Next L says that she likes long foreplay but men can not stand it too long. Her last two partners had trouble waiting to the end. L fondly recalls the first time. It's so romantic. She recalls how the boy caressed her pussy with his tongue. Later, she says, that men also have their concerns if everything goes well during sex. A: Especially if it is their first time. Then L talks about the shortest sex in her life. She barely sat down on the guy and he immediately came. L tells about some of her operations. L tells about her visits to a psychologist. Then they talk about what children and husbands they would like to have.. Followed by visits to fortune tellers....................................................................................................................................................
  7. She return today dressed in borrowed clothes (I presume she got it from her friend that came with her) as her dress was full of blood. She didn't say much to the girls but apparently she was involved in some kind of accident. She showed girls bruises on her leg. Polya talked about fountain of blood from the head of some guy. Polya had hands full of blood and stained her dress. Girls got scared hearing that. Polya saids that she was afraid that she could be accused of a failure to provide first aid. The wound proved to be harmless. The guy ended up with only 2 stitches, guess she was in the hospital with him. She will give more details when she gets back.
  8. Just don't quote my long posts, a lot of scrolling after that.
  9. Do you have to quote every time I post something, especially the very long posts, just hit the Like button,
  10. 19.08.2016 Girls talking after Ilona's night out, she came back next afternoon. Ilona talks about how great it was all night partying. She says to Poly, she could've come with her. She was with three guys in 3 clubs. Irma is surprised that she was with three because she thought that she was with one. Ilona got flowers from one of them, but when they came to the hotel she forgot about them and left them there. Even forgot to put it in the water. She was with a guy that is hard to refuse. She says you can tell about a guy just from the way he kisses. She talks about his pretty ass. He suspected that it was her first time. He wanted her to show him a passport. She refused. She asked whether he is crazy? She was saying: stop, stop, but she could not refuse him. Now everything hurts her. Irma This is because you're unaccustomed. Ilona: Yes. Three times. Until morning. She showed girls what mess they made in the bed. The guy took her phone number. He organizes events in the clubs.
  11. The information comes out of their mouth, once they start to produce words by means of sounds.
  12. Sounds like she is going to have room-mate in the near future, she was on the phone with her girl friend from Ukraine, instructing her what to do so she can come down and share the bedroom with her.
  13. 06-08-16 Kitchen conversation Amy has problems. She lacks confidence and has low self-esteem. Of course, as is clear from the conversation, the cause is little interest from guys. Lola and Megan console her and advise what to do to strengthen confidence. First of all, she should like herself. Should several times a day tell herself that she is super and so on, have kind of psychological training. Lola says that often the source of complexes of this type to be found in childhood. Amy says that she is aware of the fact that appearance is not the most important and not the only thing that makes a girl sexy. Lola says that breast size does not matter much. She knows a lot of girls that have a size of 1 or 2 and can not free themselves from the guys. She says that Amy has great potential. Simply press the two buttons and get rid of the complexes. It seems that the direct cause of this conversation was a situation with the guys on the beach. Something happened that Amy got sorry. From the conversation we can learn that Amy is 22 years old. Lola asks Amy about relationship with her father. Amy: Not well. Further she says that relationship with parents did not work out too well. Later, she left home for school. She says that her father screams at her, saying that other children are normal and she is an idiot. Amy says that when her father enters the room she leaves. Lola finds that the relationship with her father have a very big impact on self-esteem of girl. Amy says that relationship with her mother did not work out well. She has a very good relationship with her aunt. Mother did not know when Amy had her first period, first boyfriend, first sex. She found out about it after 4 years. Her aunt knew all about it. Mom would not do anything to her but she could not tell her anything at that time. Now it is different. She can talk to her about everything. Amy complains about her appearance. her hair. Lola and Megan protest. Lola shows her hair and asks what she has to say in this case with her hair. She says that Amy's hair is one of the biggest advantages in her appearance. Adds her femininity and sexiness. Lola says that men prefer short women and not tall as her. Megan says that the girl should be a coquette and she likes to flirt. Not everything can be understood from what Megan says, because she mixes Russian with Ukrainian and vice versa. Most, however, is said in Ukrainian. The girls have no problem understanding her. Megan says that fat girls come dance where you can see their fat shaking but don't care because they like themselves as they are. Do not think constantly about your faults all the time. Then they talk about the plans for the evening. Lola said that she was going somewhere with Polya. Magan wonders if they could join them with Amy later. Lola offers them metro ticket. Next girls say that they save on everything and especially on traveling in Barcelona. Megan says something that they feel uncomfortable about undressing especially Amy. Lola laughs. She says she will soon begin to walk in their underwear, later in knickers and later will not have any resistance. She says: If you like your own body you should not have a problem with that.
  14. On the night Ilona visited Lola they had backstabbing session before sleep. They are talking about tattoos. Ilona shows where else she wants to have a tattoo, Then I: Only with Polya I will not go anywhere. L: Why? I: So, she still complains. "It is not it. It is not it." L: For Poly is most important that attention was directed at her. If not, the problems begin. L tells the story of how in the past they met with a handsome guy, and when L talked to him Polya approached them stood beside stared at him and shook her hips. After a while, when apparently he paid no attention to her, Polya said: Sure. You do not like brunettes and left. And Ilona tell a similar story involving Danaya L:It's always like that. When there is a guy who devotes his attention not only to her she sits in front of him, touches him ... L tells the story she had heard from her friend that has friendship with Polya. Colleague and Polya together with their boyfriends went to have some fun. And as they sat at the table, Polya sang to her girlfriend boyfriend: " You have a beard, I'll tell you 'yes'. " Then to her boyfriend " No beard. My answer is "no"). Later they said that when they got to know Polya she seemed normal. approx. 2:18 in the bedroom More talk about Polya Ilona talking about casting: When you have model qualities there is no problem to qualify. And she is not model type. When I show her pictures somewhere immediately they say no. They criticize her makeup and figure. Lola says that she drew attention to Polya's make-up but no results. Then Ilona said that when she met Lola her first impression was that she is a very serious but has now changed her mind. Again, Ilona goes back to stab Polya. She states that Polya is not serious just stupid. Lola echoes her: She is just a bitch. They keep going on and on about Polya. approx. 2:28 Ilona turns her ass to the window and laughingly says she wants to fart. L: I let the goat into my garden, and now she will break down all the air.They kept for a long time joking about this. Lola stated that girls visit was very nice and hopes they come to see her again. Ilona says , that if Polya will continue to behave like this she will not have a company because neither Irma or Ilona are willing to put up with this.
  15. Lola moved to new girls only apartment in Barcelona.
  16. She has to prepare some kind of video, she needed better computer for video editing. She was terrified she lost her video clips, the other day she was looking for it all day.
  17. These two have too many disagreements, they came back she went straight to the bathroom where she sits alone crying. He sits with his buddies watching TV.
  18. As of latest news, turns out that Kami is actually going back home to see her family & friends.
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