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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. i agree but with another guy 😄
  2. great! i saw Kiki crying today after a telephone call, i'm happy for her
  3. yes, she's gone out with Foxy and the other girl (Foxy's gf)
  4. they are back, i hope the redhair girl don't get drunk like last time... she's prettier when don't drink
  5. she listen turkish music too 😄
  6. a latina who say "Bine", "Ce faci?", "Da", (all romanian words) these i recognized but these words are a little different maybe is it a dialect?
  7. sorry guys idk if some1 posted it before but i love it... please Kiki CONTINUE! 💖 (she pee in the shower)
  8. can some1 confirm if Kiki speak Romanian? maybe i heard something in Romanian when she speak on the phone 😄 (i'm wrong for sure.. just asking)
  9. 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Edit: now it works
  10. i guess its a real bate... because she don't interact with anyone
  11. i found where Ben put some finger in Withney's pussy https://voyeur-house.tv/moments/realm33/cam14/almost-4some-may-3
  12. i missed it when it's happened? i remember last night he had fun with anther girl in the bathroom
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