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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. He's full of hot air. The only sources he can cite are far RW conspiracy theories.
  2. Please, I beg you to just stop posting. 212,000 American's dead. Losing 1000 per day. Just stop it.
  3. You have lost all relevance, as far as I'm concerned. Now go sink with your dear leader's ship.
  4. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS COVIDIOT! Trump returns to comparing COVID-19 to the flu: 'We have learned to live with it' WWW.YAHOO.COM President Trump on Tuesday continued to downplay the threat of the coronavirus after his release from the hospital, falsely suggesting that...
  5. Relax Lexyspyrunner, everything is going to be counted in a few days, and Biden will be the landslide winner.
  6. Trump doesn't care about who gets infected, Biden does. Besides, a bigger crowd doesn't win an election. His ride in the car for photo-ops put the other 6 people in the car in danger, if Trump is even really sick.
  7. I don't give a fuck what you believe. As for the mail-in voting, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Some states have been voting strictly mail-in for decades, with no problems whatsoever. Overall, mail-in is 99.999% accurate, safe and fair. You're just looking for a built-in excuse for Trump's landslide loss in November.
  8. Could Jason Miller have his tongue further lodged up Trump's ass?
  9. My father, a Trump supporter, is 84 and can't walk. I guess they should just drag him to the poll or he can't vote. Do you ever think your comments thru?
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