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Everything posted by mingo

  1. and Vivian has not been a crazy exhibitionist like tesla and eliana. I like Viv, she's low key and very pretty.
  2. If people are paying to watch REAL LIFE, those Barca vacation apartments aren't. Participants are no doubt selected on their willingness to put on shows. Grant it, watching 'real life' can be boring but that's authentic. But if what's been said about Bogdan and Nelly is true and they are "managers" sadly, they won't be going anytime soon. Being on holiday is their full time job it seems.
  3. Please stop interrupting me, I'm very busy watching Alberto playing his video shooter game! 🙂 No, this is alone time with Nelly, i.e. a pussyfest.
  4. yes, back on June 9 and now both apartments have a vacation sign for both women if you hover over the plane symbol.
  5. our resident translator said she's going away with Martina to Valencia for a couple of days on Monday. No family visit.
  6. She just left and did not have an overnight bag with her.
  7. She's putting on a dance show in the kitchen. The dog is so cute, he stands on his hind legs and wants to dance with her.
  8. Her friend from school is 18 and her mother died last year, so it looks like Martina is acting as her big sister. They do usually laugh a lot when they're together.
  9. So the guy on factime was asking for pictures and she kept saying I'll send you pics later, then he must have asked to see her tits, so she lowered her top twice and covered her nipples, although the first time she did it, you could see her nipple at first.. Then he asked to see her pussy and she said no, he kept asking and she said no, I don't like to do that.. anyway, at the end she said to him I love you and hung up. She claimed she had some house cleaning to do.
  10. Il me semble c'est l'argent et l'attention qu'elle recherche.. elle s'en fout pas mal de Smith.
  11. Catfishing? Must be one of the two guys she has on the hook.
  12. Je ne sais pas. il était là, il a mangé son dîner.Je pensais qu'il était au balcon.
  13. Vivian topless in the kitchen.. she sure has a nice form.. and Tesla's there naked, nothing new there.
  14. Ella se está preparando para salir. Se va con Nelly el lunes a Valencia ... ¿pero esta noche? ya veremos. Otra salida nocturna sin Alberto.
  15. Having this apartment / RLC is part of their problem. If they had to pay rent and earn money for food, and other expenses, despite the job situation in Spain, Alberto would have found something. So, maybe if they moved back to their hometown or to Valencia, they'd both have to look for work and take any job they can find. But if Martina is going to go to school full time in the Fall, then this RLC apartment is perfectly suited to her needs: no need to pay for rent and earn money for living there.. and maybe putting on theo occasional "show" with horse face nelly. Alberto really needs to make an effort and look for work.
  16. 9K €, not 90K. He said he'll pay her back and she said he didn't have to, is what I understood. He just needs to at least show he's trying to find a job, he's not even doing that. She's going away with Nelly on Monday to Valencia.
  17. @emnv gracias por la traducción. Martina is right, ni trabajo ni estudio, neither working nor studying. It's a shitty deal he got ripped off and lost 9000€, but he's gotta turn off the video games and find something, anything to keep him occupied and contributing to the household income.
  18. It definitely sounded like a heated discussion about money. He called her by her name and sounded indignant and she then called him by his name but was on the balcony for a smoke and he came back to the kitchen and continued to ramble on.
  19. I listened to their entire argument and unfortunately, my Spanish isn't good enough to understand their fast paced valenican. He did say he's searching (buscar) and (dinero) money were used a lot..she did use the word to search and he told her the guy never got back to him.. i hope our resident valencian translators can fill us in.
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