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Everything posted by yelt
Someone correct me if in error, but I believe it was at the gathering for the Ukraine war demonstration!
Thank you. We can count on you for your perfect diction and above all coming to the rescue. And of course you knew she was bringing her friend but was unwilling to speak until spoken too with your attempt to express some sort of corrected sophistication.
Reading through all the notes, sounds like Martina brought home her gay friend Michael (who she's had over before) and they fell asleep in the spare room. I don't see much written here from the Martina defenders. The Martina defenders all agree they would allow or perhaps allowed this behavior from their bi-sexual roommates. Not a problem, right! I believe we all witnessed her bi-sexual lover fall to alcohol and drugs! Although, alcohol and drugs are a great persuader for so many behaviors; let's hope for the best with Martina and she keeps Alberto! I have not heard she’s having intercourse with the guy (don’t think she will) just passed out. And it sounds like Alberto left his roommate (trust her) to do whatever and might hear about it later. Hence, Jen's "Friends with Benefits" theory. We’ll see how the day goes after Alberto leaves for his bike ride; but she (and he) is aware the cameras watching.
Hello Jen, I hope all is well with you. I've been going horizontal when time permits without getting into a relationship. And I must say it is very nourishing 😀. I am considered a gaijin here, still in training and am scheduled the worst on call hours possible. I am single so no complaints for now. I have a good friend with access to RLC, she shares videos and pics when she can. No not pessimistic, I was looking at the most recent sent videos; and while I never previously noticed Alberto and Martina could clean the place up a bit. Living in heavy dust, clothes everywhere, furniture in disarray, it could be part of the reason Martina use to sneeze so often and some of why Alberto’s migraines were so bad. I was always curious when Martina returned home from being out all day then neatly folding what she wore only to place them back into her closet or dresser to wear again soon after. They used to bathe Taco, but never noticed them bathe Blackie. Does Martina still light incense? That’s a hint? I appreciate them both, but hygiene (not personal) the apartment itself might need attention they should manage. Also, it seems everyone has threesome on their mind and when I look at Candella she could be about the age of my little sister, so a threesome with Alberto and Martina both close to my age, seems a bit disturbing. A better threesome for Martina would be with Nelly and Bogdan, if it hasn’t happened already. Hey on another note, it is still Friday night in Barcelona, party time for Martina, is she still doing her Friday night church thing with her friends or Nelly tonight? Well enough for now, finished my tea, time to get to work. Take care!
It has been attention-grabbing interpretating the optimistic opinions of the next steps for Alberto, Martina and this Candella. I received video of the topless paint session between Candella and Martina. A threesome between them sounds disgusting and extremely uninviting. However, I think a threesome with Alberto, Martina and Nelly would be more prospective than with Candella; Perhaps even one with Martina, Nelly and Candella. Also, Martina trying to setup Alberto with Candella is bizarre. On another note, the video I received of Martina and Alberto’s apartment look very unhealthy and repugnant with clothes, shoes, and coats everywhere. Extremely untidiness! I did not see the kitchen but can only imagine. When was the last time they cleansed the dogs? Looked like they had the sofa cushions up and blankets everywhere. Did Alberto stop the housekeeping? Hope he is still doing the laundry. I know the only time Martina cleans the apartment is when she is expecting Nelly. Alberto has no excuse. But Martina even with school you would think she would appreciate more cleanliness.
Has anyone seen Esmi dance? I am told she is attractive; that her and Martina would make a good dance couple. And, although Esmi is not as slim as Martina, nor the cup size, she may have better moves and be much more sophisticated and intelligent than Martina. Anyone know? If only Martina would venture out to meet the other RLC girls from time to time; she could very well be astonished. From what I’ve been told within the new girls brought into RLC; there could be a couple of intellectually strong, and worthily ladies just waiting to be discovered. Any thoughts? For Martina the new girls could very well make good positive friends.
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Forgot to mention; I am hoping for the ladies, they do not get engaged in any liquor and stick to mild drugs. Also, departure together does not suggest a sexual experience will happen later, but the night is young, and Bogdan is away. Also, girls are girls and they do like to chatter. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Yes. Is it your theory about them seeing each other was correct or having sex as well (just not on camera)? Oh, I though the visitation would have happen around or shortly after Valentine Day. Nelly and Martina are so much alike, I have always said they deserve each other. Alberto may be that close, but I am not so sure he approves this time around. He is doing his own bit of future planning. So, let's be patient and keep the updates and comments coming on this network. Martina does what she wants but again this time around there may be substantial consequences that may occur. Sorry for the grammar, it about 3:40 in the am here. Does anyone know if Martina and Alberto had sex today? Martina showered and shaved? If Martina and Nelly left before Alberto arrived, the pattern is clear, you may not see Martina until morning. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Ahh..Martina is nice but I have friends that have put themselves through a higher education as escorts that look way better; they are no longer in the business. I was told for them being an escort involved very little sex, although they made a great deal of money on the pretense of being a date. Perhaps your escort question is one the translators could confirm but most likely will not divulge any information due to the subject matter as a bit too personal in nature. I personally believe something of that nature may have occurred this past summer but.. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you. Yes. Unlike some other requests for translation, this one I knew would be easy and hoping it would elicit a response; since we have not had much translated interventions. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
I believe they are fine. They reside in Barcelona. Thanks for confirming. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Having my morning coffee and received a note, "no school for Martina tomorrow". If that is true, the weekend started last night? -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Should RLC be worried! I would say so. Should Martina and Alberto be concerned, not just yet. Russian banks have been sanctioned, any Russian-linked finances, Russian Foreign Assets Frozen. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Nice! I too believe Nelly is still close by pressing Martina. But I would not be surprised if we see another woman in Martina's life. Soon. And perhaps a visit to Martina's apartment on cam. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
All worthy points. From what you say here, Martina went out during the day, on a school night and came back tipsy, not fully smashed, not high but seemly very happy? Since attending school do you recall Martina going out drinking during the day? Whatever occurred or was meeting important enough for her to consume alcohol or whatever on a school night. Did she happen to mention a get-together with Nellie? Or perhaps was this all provoked by meeting and having drinks with a new or old girlfriend? At last? Martina and Alberto exited from an average, unheard of couple on RLC, to the top watched apartment? It is amazing what the bisexual affair with Nelly has help Martina discover more of herself. Is she and the apartment now the most watched on RLC? Nothing from the translators? -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #10
yelt replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hello girlsfun2, Several good points. Although some of the previous comments regarding Martina, children, workplace, and the internet may be overstated. I applied for my current position last year and know there was a search completed through social media and the internet as part of the application. However, the search was performed on by my legal name. I am not so sure Martina has much concern of being recognized for being on RLC, as the super highway search would be on her real name not the screen name currently used. However, the findings of facial recognition and seeing her in sexual activity could be accidental but what are the chances? -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Sure…Wouldn’t every woman like a one-night stand with someone that looks desirable, mysterious and you would like them to have their way you and you with them; and you walk away afterward without commitment? You walk away perhaps only to find out and thinking the sex or fucking was not at all as exciting or that great nor as adventurous as it would have first appeared. From those women that pay for sex, to those in relationships for a short period to many years, and for those women that must masturbate two to three times daily or a must to have sex once a day, the sexual experience must be somewhat satisfyingly different. Has anyone heard, the more sex the longer the life? I previously thought for Martina the sexual experience (on both sides) might be to reduce the high stress (RLC, family, school, the future, etc.) and of course makes her feel great and happy, whether she achieves orgasm or not. But I believe we all experience the need for sexual gratification when possible. It takes you to a difference frontier. I would think the same for Martina. I’ve also gravitated towards thinking the penetration from Alberto is good for Martina in the moment, and the 5-minute sex sessions with Alberto before Martina attends an all-night event might explain her happy state of mind before leaving for the rest of the evening until the early morning hours. I made comments as have others, about her high sexual attitude, although I can only think my thought is a reiteration from what others have said prior. Also, from witnessing sex monkey like escapades with Nelly; Martina returns home to having casual penetration with Alberto. Does that indicate a high sexual libido? Alberto continues to be examined through the eyes of many on the forum, self-included, that yearn to be in his shoes and believe they can outperform Alberto to her satisfaction; But who’s to say Martina isn’t enjoying herself! Men ejaculate in most sexual endeavors; well, I am not sure that has even been the case with Alberto, his situation might be only 99% of the time? Does your male or female partner have an orgasm all the time? Often, I have thought Alberto says “no thanks” to having sex with Martina for whatever reason. For lack of interest, or possibly he suspects she is having outside sex or has had outside sex. He may not be certain if the weekends have resulted in sexual situations she is not revealing. Nevertheless, no evident has been seen or translated except the recent parking lot adventure. Does anyone know why during sex Alberto started pulling out of Martina to finish himself? Thought she went off the pill and the reason this occurs but someone on the forum mentioned she is still taking birth control or morning after? Recently, I admitted Martina should walk away, or Alberto grow some bigger testicles and leave, knowing they may really love each other and be right for one another. I am just exhausted with reading the same old story, the same old weekend thing. And I suppose Martina may have already depart from Alberto over the job thing but starting over, finding someone who can live with her, understand her and accepting of a bisexual situation; though not impossible may be challenging. Both are quite intelligent; and being on RLC is a good way to save money! Martina goes out dancing almost every weekend and stays out until after dawn. She loves to party and dance, not a bad thing, and Alberto may not. Everyone is wondering if she is going horizontal or have a short banging session with someone. While we all by now understand the Barcelona nightlife, it is this time that most likely, probably gives her some release for school and other situations. I can not help thinking as maybe some on the forum are as well, one weekend Martina drunk, brings to the apartment a new female friend or male friend who she fucks with Alberto in sight or with Alberto joining? Another thought, from my reading of the forum notes, this latest weekend, Martina may slowly be including more time with Nelly as she rehabs and continues the regular fun bunch one night a week as usual. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hello Jen, I hope all is well. I believe at some point Martina told Alberto she would continue with the weekend parties until he got a job. The night before I think she was with Nelly, and last night with her regulars? I would venture to say she is on an all-nighter without Alberto..wait I Noldus just post she returned a 6:21. Seems early. I have also noticed no one has post anything regarding sex between the two (Alberto & Martina), so maybe she has stop that benefit as well. That would be great! Will not have to read any longer about how bad he is at fucking, or perhaps making love, as if they could do better. Have a nice day. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Ahh..Today is Saturday , 10am, 31 degrees and sunny. I assume with a healthy MRI result, no stress, no hometown girlfriends visiting. Martina is still out having a little alcohol, maybe a. little cannabis (I hope not anything stronger) who knows what else. Has anyone ever notice how sexual aroused Martina gets when she consumes alcohol. Who sends her these little gifts necklaces etc. And how is it that we all think she is not going horizontal with someone when she is out all night partying. And what makes us think she is trying to get over Nelly. People do change. What did Nelly give her for Valentines? -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
I would tend to agree with you here. She can be quite a bitch too. I remember before she would leave to see Nelly overnight or on one of her 2 or 3 day adventures she would be extremely ugly to Alberto. It is circumstance that guides ones personality in that direction. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
I don’t know about all these virtual men you reference but I may have misspoken about Carlos. I understood the big guy that she FaceTime for hours, he called on her, she visits with him, and they were hanging together, his name is Carlos? I appreciate Alberto is not really a party guy but who would mind the dogs if both Alberto and Martina were out all hours of the night into the next day? Perhaps not a good situation for the dogs and I would consider such a behavior somewhat irresponsible. Opposites attract??? While I am hopeful, Martina leaves Alberto and learns a lesson or Alberto grows some scrotum and leaves Martina with the dogs. I don't believe it is FWB and they do love on another more than friends but it is an incredible relationship gone wrong. We’ll see! -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Good Day Dalbert, You are correct on this one. People do see what they want too! However, I am pondering, as much as I say Martina loves Alberto, if we see Martina is pregnant what will everyone see then and think? Impossibility? I don't think so! Mistakes do happen and the truth and visual observation cannot be hidden! We wait and see. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Nice Jen! The whole in-love item between Nelly and Martina seems to be true or was it only a desire and short-term good sex? Nelly was wild and uninhibited with sex as well as an untrustworthy lover and liar! Could that be what Martina enjoyed that may have only produced lust? Can one fall in love so quickly because the sex is that good? And if so, for how long before you get to know them personally. The timing may have been right for the Nelly and Martina hoop up. Martina is essentially a good, kindhearted person, that has had family disruptions growing up, discovery of her sexual attraction, RCL and the whole situation with Alberto’s lack of job interest, then loss of hard-earned funds. Martina was perhaps very vulnerable considering the circumstances and it had to be stressful trying to figure out her next steps, her future; And at the same time, she may have been being pursued by other men, other than Nelly or Carlos. A lot to take on especially when she may well be in love with Alberto! I believe I read somewhere recently on the forum about her continued weekend adventure and how Alberto never seems to join. Possible many reasons of which a couple might be the vaccination situation or he is simply not invited. I do believe Alberto understands how wild and provocative Martina can be or has gotten since they first met, she may be doing other things beside heavy drinking and mild narcotics, but I also may have heard when I had a subscription she would stop those party weekends if he got a job!!! A recent conversation, I would guess can only be validated by the translators? My opinion is to give him the ultimatum and if change is not inevitable... leave. She will be broken up but will survive. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you. I agree the MRI would not have been held up to the cameras for us to see and seems very unlikely. Most probable her fall was a minor concussion, with no real concerns to us. Just thought someone would have mentioned relevance to the results either way. But suppose not! The only item this forum seem to be concern with is Martina's nudity. -
Martina & Alberto - home activities (2022) #9
yelt replied to Pete1960's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
My apologies, Is that with a British accent? Thanks for the reassurance.