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Everything posted by nack

  1. He tried in the morning 10:50 AM,undercover but no luck so far.
  2. Hey @Amy3 @ashleyxyz its way past your bedtime..go to sleep you lovely ladies..
  3. They are watching some weird shit...
  4. Good Morning Everyone !! What did i miss...
  5. Hi golfer..i created a support ticket regarding the BR cam today (blurry) and within an hour the problem was resolved.
  6. nack


    I agree @ashleyxyz..that's why i do not complain about the looks,the bad lighting,the empty apartments,i don't make fun of it,occasional tickets and nothing more.I'll see whatever is available and ignore what is not.Look at RLC. They do not even react to all those mails.They do whatever they want to and still there clientele is huge. VH and VV have given us all those WOW moments before and it might happen again.If I get bored with the couples,I take a break and unsubscribe like i did for RLC and VV. I'm still having fun with VH,whatever issues they might have.
  7. How's it going Layne ? Everything fine ?
  8. nack


    None of the stuff that goes around in all the houses at RLC,VV or VH happens in normal life ..may be a few. I like the drama,the sex and the entertaining part of their lives. I am not here to look and stare at costly furniture,lavish apartment and no fun. I have YouTube for that and it's FREE. Look at Tver.Iris and Lex have had their fair share of moments and it's time for them to leave. Same goes for Ivo-Sonia.Zoe left. So did Nick and Lisa. VV are not exactly working overtime to bring on fresh blood. They lack fresh ideas.Greenwood could have been great but they messed it. I like Marna,Nina and the couple at Tula but that's it and you don't need 5 apartments for all these people. Rest is waste.
  9. nack


    Violence was just a part of the drama that occurs in normal life and no one was hurt. I was talking about the constant aura of uncertainty that we had in VV earlier. What would happen next ?? all the time. The previous cast was uninhabited and very entertaining.The current one is a dud.
  10. nack


    Lol..you obviously didn't watch the Phil Christy Messa episode when Christy got attacked with a knife and there was blood all over or the numerous sexcapades of Christy,Akira-Karen episode. This VV is shyte ..
  11. How's your holiday going on..? Enjoying Austrian Slopes !!
  12. nack


    So nothing really happened !!
  13. You can still use third party hosts to post images if you want to like postimg.
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