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Everything posted by nack

  1. LOL and more LOL..I have seen far more beautiful girls and dancers on street.They are no model or dancer material.
  2. Summers are already here in India. Typically lasts from May-July with June the hottest. Day temp in my city is around 39 deg centigrade and 27 at night. We don't get much storms here.
  3. Hi Ashley.Just regular work stuff here.Nothing Exciting !! Not a lot going on in VH,VV or RLC either. How's Pennsylvania ? Just read about a storm there.Everything Fine ?
  4. Hey Amy.Guess all that traveling took its toll on the body.Take ample rest !!
  5. From VHTV Jess and Sam are now banned from VHTV participation. The story if ridiculous. What you have seen the last time you watched them live is packing and preparing space in their bags to put the cameras and steal them. After they turned off the power in power box in apartment, they dismounted cameras (yet leaving communication lines and tripods and mount hooks), took some equipment and left. We discovered that as soon as our representatives arrived to place. Right at that moment the theft was reported to police and local pals. Their relatives were located in one hour, and in the next two local representatives found Jess and Sam and took back the equipment. Luckily, no cameras were damaged. We were quite surprised how stupid these people are to try stealing these things from us. The point that this steal was made to sell these cams, and not to use them for any other venture they could create makes us absolutely disrespect them and be more careful next time. Thread Here
  6. @Voyeur House TV is there a reason why the archive moments are taking a lot of time to go 'Live' As of now I have 4 pages of moments ready to be rolled out.
  7. calm down @Amy3 and go to sleep..you have a flight to catch in a few hours..
  8. Good for them Amy but my opinion is reserved on this one.
  9. She absolutely sucks !! in a good way...
  10. You would not want to believe everything they say.They are the management,we are the customers.You don't divulge everything to anybody.
  11. Amy I don't think they give out bonuses or anything like that.Its just an agreement for free place,food,drinks.
  12. nack


    Whatever happens.. why the fuck do people do not record when anything exciting happens.. I still see a lot of 5 min recordings in dubna.
  13. Oh the girls read the forum. Thank god I don't pay for this circus. Sorry girls .. you are all boring and put me to sleep.
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