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Everything posted by nack

  1. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    I love VV's useless tweets Oh Sonia Its weekend enjoy Bad Boys !! Sexy time in Tulaa Be cool its friday !! and a host of other nonsense ramblings. Either they have HUGE sub base outside of camcaps world or plain stupid to continue running Sofia,Voro or Tver.
  2. Not if your parents are next door,sleeping.
  3. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    No buffering here on free cam
  4. Talking of VV ,have the things settled down a bit there since that crazy night with Marna ?
  5. I am happy with the streaming as i am on an avg bandwidth.
  6. I recorded the ENTIRE start-stop 4 some from yesterday that started around 12:30 and finished around 5 AM.I got a 5 GB file and the stream skipped 30 mins in between and i recorded it on average bandwidth of around 2 MBps
  7. We also need a LR cam next to couch.The other one is FAAAR away.
  8. The thing is Jabbath,it's working smoothly for you.I appreciate VHTV regarding low bandwidth.I can watch timeline and live streaming now on Low Bandwidth thanks to their tweaking except that Mira-Jeka one.Believe me,it's streaming on a very high bandwidth.You can do one test.Run a small software du meter and try clicking on all the apartments.As soon as you click on Mira-Jeka, the bandwidth graph will shoot to sky. I will show them remotely also,once i get the time.
  9. Since i am always late for these events,can someone give me a time for the good parts.
  10. @Voyeur House TVCams load on 2MBps now EXCEPT the mira jeka timeline. Weird Wierd and Weird. Good Job VHTV on tweaking bandwidth.I can live without that apartment.
  11. Unless they bring it up to RLC level where even an inch of movement for few secs is recorded in graph,it is useless.
  12. I leased a 20 MBps connection for few days and strangely,the timeline is working for that apartment.However,when i ran a few bandwidth checks during the streaming,the data transfer crossed 1GB in 20-25 minutes.You have to lower the bandwidth on that cam.All other apartments and timeline work fine on a 4-5 Mbps connection.
  13. Yes and she has an eerie resemblance to Nastya.
  14. Strangely,i can only watch Mira and Jeka Timeline IF i am on 20 MBps line.
  15. If you take out the Mira and Jeka apartment timeline,the rest works fine @ 5 MBps
  16. You beat me to it Harvey,I was about to post some caps,Excellent Work !!
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