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Everything posted by nack

  1. Too bad !! I am traveling to Mumbai for 3 days and missing everything.
  2. I had this issue yesterday or the day before.May be it's a random issue.
  3. The guy who had sex last night had tattoos on his arm.The couple below had visited earlier also.
  4. One of the couples (The guy with heavily tattooed arm) in the second guest room/bed had sex at around 4:13 AM.It only lasted 3-4 mins as the guy was disturbed by the other couple below constantly.Quite funny actually.
  5. Cmon..People.They are not here for sex ONLY.Let them settle down in this apartment and it will gradually follow.
  6. RLC has the best timeline at present.It's preview feature with thumbnails and the rewind and fast forward for 30 sec is top notch.However,it took them years to introduce it.VHTV is only 3 Months old and constantly improving.They also have 1080p cams.Moreover,they communicate.I would be very happy to shell out $30 or more, knowing that we can always interact directly with whatever issues be technical or otherwise.RLC's 18 fancy apartments does nothing for me and i am a member at both.I only watch Stesha/Marco,Heidi and Linda.No Time for Barca Circus and other aptments.
  7. Timeline for the cam is also not working ATM.Hope it's a temporary glitch.
  8. Not Much apart from Marathon Sex Sessions with his Girlfriends over the years.
  9. I once suggested RLC to add a new cam or change a cam position.They replied " Sorry,Not Possible" That's how arrogant,rude and greedy these people are.Bunch of Idiots !!
  10. For the timeline to work accurately,the cams should have motion sensors.At present,they are not.For instance,the timeline will have major graphs for the most viewed cam and none for the other cam at the same time if it is not popular.
  11. Thanks Jabbath and Broxman.I just finished recording the crazy shagathon from Sveta Vlad earlier.From Br to LR to Bathroom to BR,Hard time capturing them.
  12. Do you even read or saw the screenshot Yury posted He wasn't able to log in and was getting that message. Your support team must have fixed that by now. You always try to downplay others. Accept your mistakes before calling someone Troll.I am always respectful to others and your post sounded rude. Try to be polite sometimes.It works !!
  13. WTF happened,why did @Voyeur House TV go the RLC way.They started out alright and now this.I can only speculate but did anyone from the apartments complain about it as Yury can understand Russian. It's pathetic if that's the case.If you want to start banning,at least issue a notice for Russian Users and provide the Refund on pro-rata basis. That's a big thumbs down !!
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