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Everything posted by nack

  1. Just checked on Replay..Jessica and Guy in Bathroom with shitty lighting and nothing much to see.Underwater Bullsh**
  2. Thank you golfer/harvey for posting pics with time !!
  3. On First - ONLY if you are experienced enough LOL..Really !! I am an MCSE,CCNA,B.Tech and that requires a LOT of education.Hell,i work my ass off 60 hours a week and its a pressure job managing all those servers Is she that DUMB ? May be she doesn't even know what IT means in IT Professional.
  4. Jabbath..i had huge problems watching VHTV LIVE and Timeline yesterday when Peter and Emma Started their thing.I know it's not my bandwidth and you know i am premium.I have a 10 Mbps leased line,a few broadbands,4G connections and it did NOT work.It just got better a few hours ago.Timeline works ok now on all apartments as well as Live Streaming. I am waiting for their tech support response.
  5. What the hell is going on in this thread..lots of gibberish.The stupid thread EVER in the history of threads.God be with the people who stalk these threads every min. Goodness Gracious Me...get a life people.Do you people even have real jobs.I only get an hour to watch RLC/Camcaps and instead of updates about the apartments,i get all loads of text of rubbish !!! Even the Mods tolerate and participate in useless discussions.Sad and Pathetic
  6. The problem is still the same,unfortunately.I am not able to view Live Stream or Timeline.The main page loads fine but i i am stuck at buffering.This issue has only occurred since last night.It was working fine a day before yesterday. I have an 4Mbps UL/DL speed and i can play 720p and 1080 videos fine.I can also view all the other HD Live sites like RLC,Voyeur-Villa without any issues.I have tried changing DNS to Opendns,Microsoft DNS.Nothing works !! Have you made any changes ? I have changed browsers from Firefox to Chrome to Edge.Have logged out and logged in many times.Restarted Computer,even changed ISP.It's just not working !! I have also E-mailed Support Twice.
  7. Buffering at all apartments !! How is it for the others ?
  8. If she sucks his dick even one more minute than she usually does,he will cum in 2 mins after penetration.
  9. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    If you are getting a prompt of insecure connection,try adding the site (In your case VV ) in the browsers exception list and it should work fine.
  10. The Lighting on CAM4 has not improved yet.
  11. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    You guys still on VV..crazy!!
  12. Hi Pikinana..you understand their language ?
  13. Email Support and highlight the time.I am sure they will take action.
  14. If i am watching CAM5 at 4:00 AM and feel that CAM6 has the best angle,I should be able to click on CAM6 and it should load with the similar time i.e. 4:00 AM.I understand that since you have merged the LIve and Replay on a single feed/timeline,it has tech challenges.Ideally,it should have been on separate ones.RLC has it and it works beautifully. I don't think it wold be confusing for users,Infact,it would be the most comfortable and user-friendly navigation.We'll see how the graphs come up tomorrow. Thank You.
  15. I have also noticed that the timeline cannot be paused.Also,if i click on say 4:00 am at Cam5 of a particular apartment and if i want to switch cams/angles (cam 6) for the same exact time,it should be made available.At present it's not possible. The time on the timeline is also not accurate.If i click on somewhere between 4:00 AM - 8:00 AM,I get 3:43 AM..Weird !! RLC Replay is the best so far.
  16. Have been using Dolphin for quite some time now.Never had an issue.Timeline is not accurate on IOS so far.Haven't checked Windows or Android.
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