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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. But I remember that RLC sent Holly, before the Christmas holidays, three days in B5 to revive the fortunes of Tereza and Timur when the room was left free because it was a dead apartment. Maybe RLC decided to do the same thing with B2?
  2. He'll stop for at least 3 days from the store he emptied into the refrigerator
  3. I add one last thing. I consider Holly a very intelligent person and for this reason she always fits in with great discretion and without invading other people's spaces. Having said that I don't think Holly reads our chat, otherwise she would know very well how to behave and she wouldn't deny us those little pleasures we expect. It is not absolutely impossible to shoot those modest little shows with Tweety (because they were pleasant but certainly modest)
  4. In this period Radi is really disturbed, she eats on the ground instead of using the free table
  5. A proposito di Holly, da tempo, penso ad una cosa particolare su cui mi ero già espresso qualche mese fa. La mia convinzione è che tutti cambino dopo tre soggiorni, vedi Mia e Lia, vedi Irma, vedi Serafina e vedi Holly adesso; gli anni cambiano per tutti e le aspettative cambiano per tutti. Credo che Holly esca con Titti la sera perché incontra un uomo che le fa passare la serata e non le fa spendere soldi. Per il resto è profondamente attratta dalle donne (dopo la brutta esperienza con Daniel) che non ha trovato qui durante questo soggiorno. Sarebbe stata Martina con la quale si è baciata appassionatamente ma Martina ha altri turni ed è stata coinvolta solo grazie alla presenza di Nelly. Ascolto le telefonate di Holly e quelle più appassionate sono sempre con le ragazze. Le telefonate con i maschi sono solo con i parenti, almeno questo mi sembra il tono. Per tutto quello che ho detto mi resta l'unico dubbio di capire perché con Titti tutto si è raffreddato (e questo sappiamo che è colpa di Loraine prima e di Radi dopo) ma non capisco perché non si sia riacceso il fuoco iniziale . In più occasioni gli atteggiamenti di Holly e Titti danno speranza ma poi tutto muore lì e ci lascia solo vuoti e freddi. Questa è la mia opinione che non devi necessariamente vedere tutti d'accordo. Ricordo a tutti che amo Holly e se potessi le chiederei di sposarmi, sarei disposto a fare questo errore due volte
  6. If Radislava continues to behave like this, he shows excessive rudeness towards Cecilia and disrespect towards the girls of B4. So she will never be able to recover the relationship
  7. Holly is getting ready to go out too, we have definitely lost them. Tweety launched some approaches this afternoon but Holly remained indifferent
  8. Cecilia is not on the staff of the project so no salary, or Radi pays her or works for free, maybe all of them like this
  9. As for the panettone these are typical Italian Christmas sweets together with the pandoro. During the Easter holidays the typical dessert in Italy is the colomba. The dessert in the photo on page 31 of topic # 14 is a typical dessert of the regional tradition of which I do not remember the name but it is wrong to call it panettone And then the panettone is not made with marzipan but with leavened dough
  10. I don't like Loraine for the way she proposes but it cannot be denied that she is a beautiful woman and delightfully arousing when she offers these shows. Ulyana's masturbations look at each other willingly but in my opinion they always have something overbearing, intrusive. Antonio's school the Italian is served
  11. Bisognerà capire se qualcuno queste cose le die a Radislava e se poi si limiterà a fare qualche lacrima oppure ne farà tesoro
  12. At this moment she will be around to lecacrsi her wounds but in the evening she will return and she understood this for how Cleopatra behaved, she left her room but did not show up. I don't like Radislava, I've already said it a thousand times, but I like what she does, I would like her to be as before
  13. Radislava just has to understand that he cannot take possession of people. She becomes a leech if you give her the opportunity for people to walk away. She may be back in B4 but behave as she was before Tweety's arrival. That was her watershed, the before and after
  14. I don't want to argue about things like that, I prefer to watch Beatrice masturbate, what do you think?
  15. I don't understand but it doesn't matter. It is my opinion
  16. Esmi went down to LR to do what she did in bed, practically nothing. I like it, I'm crazy about her, I only follow her and I can't wait for her to go, it's a shame. In my humble opinion
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