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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Today I saw things I never expected: Tweety went out with Harley and Loraine went out with Ulyana
  2. The rudeness of Fiora (now ascertained) and Olivia (of which I did not doubt) manifested itself again today. By what right did they accompany their friend to visit Holly and Tweety's room? I do not know that they phoned to ask permission, in my way of thinking they are really rude
  3. Tweety and Harley went out together, the strange pairing and after a while Holly went out alone
  4. RLC !! Send her the message to wake up otherwise I won't renew my subscription next month, regardless of whether she is there or not. I know you can do it
  5. Now Holly is starting to annoy me, I really don't understand what she wants anymore.
  6. I don't understand why Holly doesn't participate, she is frustrating Tweety's initiatives
  7. Think how far we are, last night's show was disturbing for me. It was not clear who should take the initiative and it ended as it ended, perhaps better this way because I didn't seem to see Matvei at ease.
  8. He is on vacation until the 16th, another 2 days
  9. This is a victorious evening. Rus and Kylie home alone so they don't hurt
  10. To get dinner. This is a good thing because they will have dinner together
  11. With a lot of effort, but this evening Radi and Cecilia have finally integrated. It is wise for Radi to have Cecilia at his side
  12. (sorry translator's mistake) ........... and if I can add a little bad note I think it washes the body too little. Some of her roommates take three showers a day and she 6 showers in 10 days. If it gives me so much .............. I hope not to provoke a discussion
  13. For Esmi lovers, it is legitimate to have personal tastes, it seems exaggerated when they express appreciation from Miss world referring to Esmi. From day 4 (replay validity) I verified that she gave us a shower on days 4, 6, 7, 8 10, 13 (right now). You don't remember ever seeing her naked in the bedroom and every time she changes her shirt she turns to the closet. Perhaps she costs us more than Cleopatra who at least spares light and if I can add a slightly nasty note I think she brushes too little. Some of her roommates take three showers a day and she 6 showers in 10 days. If it gives me so much .............. I hope not to provoke a discussion
  14. Maybe Tweety for two days on the phone is planning another holiday for Easter?
  15. Anything can be but his dignity makes me think he will avoid
  16. Beatrice also sleeps with her eyes half open, not even the strength to close them
  17. Will Daniel still be alive? He hasn't moved in the last two hours, destroyed by Beatrice's desire. Poor thing, she who knows how long she hasn't been a loser
  18. Will Daniel still be alive? He hasn't moved in the last two hours, destroyed by Beatrice's desire. Poor thing, she who knows how long she hasn't been a loser
  19. Cecilia, on the other hand, is always left to herself
  20. What if they went to check out the big room for the two of them?
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