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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Wowowowowow Wwwwwwwwwwwwww did you see what games Esami played on the sofa with your hands under your panties?
  2. When there are no parties the LR is the quietest room, Nana started and all the others followed
  3. Pack of cosmetics for Holly and Tweety, it is legitimate to think that they will stop a little longer. Throwers are invited to be patient
  4. Oops !!! I was kidding you, free to think and have your own tastes
  5. Well, she was so good that in order not to put other girls in a bad light she can leave the project. I have enough
  6. From how Holly and Tweety prepare themselves, it seems there is another release planned but it could be one or two entries, who knows? Do not be angry
  7. To clarify, I'll bring you the next post in which I explained well;..... ""We specify that I have not yet expressed an opinion on Matvei even if I admit, a few days after their arrival, that I thought wrong but before expressing myself I wanted to understand more. I simply said that in his eyes of him this evening I saw evil and violence, I did not say that he is bad and violent because up to now he has not been. He doesn't care if he fucks a lot or a little, the important thing is that he fucks well and it seems to me that Eva is satisfied"" …… .. For the next time I advise you to read everything that is written so you will also understand that I do not write bullshit but, probably, things that you do not share. Let me add that the first thing I look at in a person is the eyes and my first judgments are rarely wrong, but that's another story. I hope you don't want to continue with these tones
  8. Tweety is fine with Holly, they compensate each other. True, Tweety would be fine alone, she is joyful, cute, sociable but she has a special intimate relationship with Holly who is her point of reference. Separating them would make two people unhappy.
  9. I certainly have limits, I think differently. I like Esmi, she has a body that comes close to my ideals of slightly swollen breasts but she doesn't seem particularly connected with the others. I think so
  10. I don't mean in Ukraine but I can't think that RLC hosts refugees who are refugees. She has to wake up in spite of all those who appreciate her. Yesterday I did an account of Esmi's nudes, go read it and I'm talking about nudes, not performances or bates
  11. I add only one thing: I think so and I do not resent if someone thinks differently, the important thing is that the diaogo be civil and respectful. I repeat that I usually do not offend, in three years here I have made only two exceptions for Daniel (alcoholic and drug addict who last night gave himself a demeanor carrying the bottle of coca-cola he drank without a glass) and for Fiora (False, vulgar and bad). Yes, I really don't like Fiora, I never liked her and I will never like her. The note on the offenses is certainly not aimed at you with whom we have exchanged non-matching opinions on various occasions but to all those who feel free to express themselves as they want, forgetting that 99% of us do not understand a single word that is said .
  12. Let's clarify that I have not yet expressed an opinion on Matvei beyond the first week. I admit, a few days after their arrival, that I thought wrong but before expressing myself I wanted to understand more. I simply said that in his eyes this evening, I saw evil and violence, I did not say that he is bad and violent because he was not. I don't care if she fucks a lot or a little, the important thing is that she fucks well and it seems to me that Eva is satisfied. As for the negative criticisms I don't think I made them for Marlene's boyfriend, for Zabava's boyfriend on the first night, for Karol's boyfriend, for Bruno when he was fucking Holly, for Megan's boyfriend, for Nana's boyfriend, for Antonio with Loraine; for them, because at this moment I remember them, only positive comments. The negative criticisms are for Daniel and Fiora, for Bruno with Gina, for Rama and Lucian, for the guys from tonight's party. Does it seem too much?
  13. Now I'll let someone drop by. At this moment I happened to have a very close up of Matvei, unfortunately, and I really hope to make a mistake, I saw the eyes of a bad person, very bad and violent. I don't want to disturb anyone's sleep but that's what I saw. I'm sorry too
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