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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I think differently, I don't like this report, we all know that Loraine is negative and whatever she does she does it for self-interest. Tweety is young, enthusiastic about those around her and does not see evil
  2. Who knows if Radi will still be there this summer?😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
  3. I, on the other hand, believe that Tata would be there
  4. Never. They have already had a chance but without follow-up. Holly doesn't like Tata and she's basically loyal to Tweety. She doesn't show it but she cares a lot. Rather a boy but no other women as long as it's not Megan
  5. I'd be happy to be wrong but it won't do anything other than pissing off Rus and Kylie. I don't understand why she didn't go home to masturbate instead
  6. Radi went out with Cecilia 3 hours ago in a hurry and they left everything on the cabinet by the window. They haven't returned yet. The tray and bag were placed on the bed by Olivia
  7. Loraine with Tweety is getting worse than Radi, a three hour phone call with a few breaks in between
  8. The Princess put on the pants when they all went out together
  9. Yes, I, madly in love with Holly, not for what she does but for the pleasure of watching her. She is beautiful, beautiful and still beautiful at any time of the day, with any dress and in any place. I am madly in love with Holly
  10. Tweety is young, she is with everyone, she is curious, she wants experiences but she has taken the right measures to the two so .... no "parties" after dinner
  11. I am convinced that Holly will not let go too much and then Kylie is a fake-fake lesbian who still does not want to share Rus with anyone so you can put your heart in peace. She or she will go back to sleep in B4
  12. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
  13. I do not see the rush of the tenants to look for the company of Kylie and Rus in B5 but ......... certainly I am wrong indeed I have the impression that some avoid them
  14. Basically another night of "poop" thanks to Kylie and Rus
  15. Has she become a princess now? How nice, she knows now she will be my Princess, with a capital P
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