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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. They picked her up from the local Circus, she was the 'Tattooed Lady'
  2. Wasn't it Beatrice who stopped Cleopatra from bringing someone back, didn't see Kristy or Alana objecting. As for Radi, hmm, get rid of the problem > Loraine!
  3. Would you rather more of Tata? or Cleopatra? or ...............
  4. So Party in the Villa Holly in bed Ulyana in bed Loraine & Nana in bed Harley & Fiora in bed Radi & Radislover hiding in bedroom Only Olivia & Tweety partying
  5. Use Brave browser to access these sites & problem solved
  6. Is Marlene going to get it on with Cleopatra
  7. Doubtful, Tweety doesn't seem impressed by him, she's keeping him at arms length Oh, yes she did
  8. Rather sad Tata sitting at home by herself & not joining in at the Villa
  9. More than likely to catch up with Masha at the Villa
  10. You are a D#MB F#CK, nothing to be jealous about, you are pathetic, everyone can see right through you, you definitely lack intelligence! 😂
  11. It's so pubic hair don't get stuck in throat.........................................
  12. BESOTTED https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › besotted completely in love with someone and always thinking of them : He was so completely besotted with her that he couldn't see how badly she treated him.
  13. You are so besotted that you are blinded from reality Are you hoping to graduate from 4th grade
  14. What a load of crap, of course it's personal to you, you are besotted, you are biased, as I've said before (and many others).
  15. Get back on topic, if you want to talk about the war, there is a dedicated thread
  16. Sorry, but I'm old school Aussie rock > INXS, Cold Chisel, AC/DC, The Angels, Midnight Oil, The Radiators, etc, etc ps: I'm 61
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