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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Wow, I thought K & S forum #1 for the year was bad at 9 pages, but this one has only achieved 6 pages over 6 weeks, I think this shows that both Linda & Tibor and Kitty & Smith need to be pensioned off for new blood!
  2. Pretty sad when a this is post #1 for 2022 & in 6 weeks has made it to only 9 pages
  3. Tata has a humongous pair of Tata's ( . )( . ) She joins Gyana, Linda, Kylie & Cleopatra
  4. It looks as though the flowers may be a gift for someone
  5. If it's a screenshot you have taken RLC will use the coding to identify you & ban you from RLC, you won't be banned from here.
  6. Juggy I think your reply should have gone to Fagen, not me
  7. They have food & water bowls in the kitchen that are topped up with food & fresh water everyday
  8. Why start a new thread?????????????????????????????????
  9. I've been using it for months (in conjunction with Internet Download Manager) & no pop ups
  10. Well, I see it as like a business, one must constantly evolve, look for innovation or target a niche area, if one relies on the same old thing, it begins to stagnate & that is what is happening with Leora.
  11. It seems you understand less, not more, all this has been discussed & answered many times, did you miss the answers?
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