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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. You responded to wrong comment, but I get this comment was about Irma
  2. This apartment would be perfect for Ulyana, Olivia & Harley
  3. Oh yes you did, you begged, grovelled & dribbled, and when the vids came you were like a kid in a candy store with more grovelling thanks
  4. She won't be, she's banned from the Schengen zone for 5 years
  5. Why is Radi sleeping all covered up whilst Radislover is on top of the bedcovers in underwear!
  6. That's the pot calling the kettle black, did you get that from your tomatoes! @victor_95 you can have this 1 for free @HarleyFatBoy_44312
  7. Good to see Radislover back, I think we will see a bit of action tonight with Radi 🙃
  8. HOLY FUCK BATMAN!!!!! Gyana has a humongous pair of BAZOOKAS!! ( . )( . )
  9. Does a female have to be European to have red wine with dinner? 😂 Very Bootyful 🥰
  10. FB = Fuck Buddy No, it was to Fat Boy & his source (tomato sauce)
  11. 😂😅 Piper is bisexual, so that discounts your hardcore true lesbian couple 😂 But he thinks his tomatoes are on the money
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