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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. It looked last minute, like she wasn't going anywhere, and was dressed and out 5 minutes later. And yeah, put the TV show on pause. So it looks like someone invited her out and she accepted. She looked happy enough, not someone going for a crisis chat.
  2. Oh yes, i think she is more into the spiritual side of things rather than Orthodox Religion.
  3. It's not about interest Nich, it's simply to do with learning about Czech history, which involves the Religious aspect. When she was telling Paul about it, she mentioned the 1800s.
  4. I'm sure you're right, just joking about if she'd have to write an opposing piece, that's all.
  5. She wouldn't have to study for that part though, she would only need to write a second piece opposite that says "It's all false"!😆
  6. Intriguing eh? Wasn't expecting it. I think the only thing guaranteed is that she isn't on her own, to go out so suddenly, so late and for so long.
  7. She has taken her face mask and earphones with her, so could have met someone for sure.
  8. Could have been a last second thing, as her phone was in the kitchen all the time and she got dressed after checking it, unless she knew she was going out at this time anyway. She looked fine, had a smile actually, if it was LB i would have expected sighing etc.
  9. She's gone out somewhere as she got fully dressed including coat. So i guess she is meeting somebody.
  10. Suddenly dressed and out at 23.13. Was texting in the bath but little afterwards. She did have a call to a woman earlier, telling her she had a bag of things ready to give to charity. We know what that bag contains then. But not gone with it though.
  11. And she's now watching a programme about Orthodox Xmas and Catholicism.🙂
  12. Well, for some, a landing strip is better than none at all! 😄
  13. She was telling Paul too all about the Catholic Xmas history in the Czech Republic, which will be part of the whole learning thing.
  14. You're not the only one who thinks a trip home would do her the world of good, even for just one week. I can't see any problem with it. Why it hasn't happened, now that is something none of us can know.
  15. I hope she remembers that books aren't waterproof....
  16. I see that the bags proudly said 'Fighting Animal Testing'. So, doing tests on fighting animals?😱 These jokes don't get any better, sorry.
  17. This is what i was saying, it's called caring isn't it. Looking out for someone. But you get shot down for doing so. If we left it at 'When is she going to bate', we'd be alright. They are all her choices yes, but that doesn't stop us from being concerned about it all. And she quite clearly has problems right now. WE treat her like a person, not a caged circus act who is only there to 'Perform'. Trouble is, and again it's her choice, she is playing up to that image a lot.
  18. The problem is Gerald, she thinks she knows best - Like we all do. As outsiders, we can see and hear what happens, perhaps more than she realizes. But as observers, you witness more, especially little things like signs of getting upset. Yes, we can offer advice etc, but it means nothing. She will only make her own decisions, whether good or bad. Again, like we all do. It's her life and her choices, and all we are, are casual outsiders looking in. It's too easy to say "She'll be fine" or "It's none of our business" - Isn't part of being a fan showing concern, worry? Yes it is. Whether that's appreciated or not, that's up to the person involved. But we don't dismiss this kind of thing, unless the viewer is one who is only interested in her bates and nothing else, of which there are many. But taking everything on board, right now she does have problems of one kind or another, I can see it, you can, others can. And we know this and show it bothers us. Again, that's being not only a fan, but someone who cares. If you buy into the RLC thing, you accept it all, the rough with the smooth. And right now, Leora is showing she's having a rough patch. For me, she concentrated too much at times being 'Leora' rather than the actual person inside. And what's nicer than a stranger showing concern for another human?
  19. And that's what she did last night, albeit in the other order. But there's only so much housework to do. You have all the other hours then to pass the time. Hence why she's now smoking and staring at her phone.
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