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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. LB. She doesn't have Paul where she wants, which is by her side!
  2. Plus we all contribute to paying their impressive wages, never ever forget that! There's a reason things happen!
  3. Well it is very weird, because i still believe SHE calls all the shots, and SHE is in charge. Gone mad at him simply for calling over on his way past, calling him an MF over the intercom because it hadn't been pre-arranged. Yelling at him because he had the balls to hang up on her once, telling him only she hangs up, not him. And the amount of times she has literally turned him down when asked, and just stayed at home doing nothing instead. Yet - He doesn't have to do a damn thing to be forgiven. How can someone do such wrong, only to then be able to fix it so well, so quickly, week after week, month after month? There IS no way, is there. If he's smart, he will know by now all he has to do is sit and wait for his phone to ping, and she will be ready to meet again. He can bide his time, knowing he will always be forgiven. He therefore IS in charge - Yet, bizarrely, i don't think either he or she realise it! But simply, she needs him desperately. Because she would have to start all over again with someone else. All the lies, all the excuses.....Oh, and the small matter of trying to get Paul to join her. And just as write that, Paul calls her Skype!
  4. Maybe indeed this was part of 'Giving people what they want', part of the tease play. Like 'Some like this, so here you go!' only to then rip it away and do what she wants. She as we know is the Past Master in the art of tease, why do you think she builds up to a bate for sometimes an hour only to then stop, how many times over the years has that happened? Because to start growing, then stop all of a sudden.... Although the sheer timing of it - Growing then getting rid the same time she suddenly goes out very late for 3 hours, then stops out overnight the following night - Could, and i stress the word COULD, be the only indication as to why it happened. But as far as i am concerned, it most definitely IS the reason. Because her mind is elsewhere right now for more than one reason. That things are sorted to some extent again. Trust me, the clues are there.
  5. Only a matter of time until this gets delivered then.
  6. But she did manage to pull enough strength and raise the courage to stare at her phone in bed later, which must have been a monumental challenge considering.
  7. I guess this programme (Some old woman ranting away) could be part of her learning, as she looks bored to tears watching it. This is like when the Open University programmes were shown at 4 in the morning on BBC2. She needs to go to bed, looks tired.
  8. Bloody hell, i wish she'd make an appointment for some new glasses. She's squinting at the TV so much now, more than ever.
  9. A handy tip, is that if you take a glass of Pepsi into the bathroom, have it first. Otherwise it may just go flat. And warm.
  10. Yeah! Nothing to do with nothing elsewhere! 😄 Things can change quickly though.
  11. This time last week, she earned top cam even with having food poisoning.....
  12. Mind you, she sometimes still does do a show when she's on. That could be the case tonight! (make up for lost time!)
  13. She is still in Ukraine seeing her guy, and she and Leora were in contact a few days ago.
  14. I don't know and quite frankly i don't care. Yes RDKing and Chef i can see you're stalking me again. I did ask for you to be decent for once but you just can't do it. what's the bloody point.
  15. You're absolutely correct in all that, and i can respond easily to your last three words - What is LB? There in person. Paul isn't. That's the answer.
  16. Trouble is Ste, i have been given laugh or confused reactions by someone who actually knows and agrees with what i write, as they've told me this in PM. That's the annoying aspect. Doing one thing privately, and another publicly.
  17. Exactly! This is is why it's so weird and dysfunctional. It HAS to be on her terms. But she can't let go. Perfect example, from the other Tuesday, when she was crying and shouting in the toilet late on, the night before the skype marathon with her mate back home. She made FIVE calls that night, 3 in the toilet. She kept him awake until after 1am. Now, if she was this pissed off with her 'Man' of a year and a half, what any normal person would do, is to make one call, tell them how they felt and hang up. Then let them squirm their way back over the next few days. What you DON'T do, is keep phoning them over and over, to make sure they hear every tear, every insult. Because that is saying 'YOU are to blame - But i DON'T want this to end. So please make this right' Yet, her 'Right' is seeing him only part time, despite treating the whole thing as if it was FULL time. Why? Because as Jimbo said.....She needs him more than he needs her. And therefore, Perfect. THAT'S why she can't let him go. And the only way i ever see this ending is either Paul arriving, or LB himself ends it.
  18. And this is what i have been telling everyone for over a year! I know my stuff!!
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