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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. This may be turning into a show night. Because to me, she looks like she's completely bored.
  2. Looks like another direct identical Leora vs. Radislava competition. Is this happening more? It looks it to me when i see the thumbs, i seem to notice this quite a bit now.
  3. Hi Patou, all the best for your treatment. She has called Paul 3 times today, including a video call in the kitchen, sat in his (apparently hot and stuffy) office looking into his microscope for his work. As far as LB goes, we are at a loss to explain! They are still in regular contact, yet it looks very difficult to see when they actually meet for any length of time, unless it's just a few hours here and there. More and more bizarre!
  4. Complete with a glass effigy of me..... Terrible joke.
  5. No, and that call wasn't to him either. Midnight hasn't happened yet though!
  6. GH has just confirmed she gave the food to her Salon friends. I did hear her talking about food, but didn't know why. So maybe tonight WAS her language course then, a night class. But it certainly doesn't look like LB was involved.....Again..... And with how it looked, that's surprised me. Sitrep? Lord knows!
  7. Came back, grabbed some bags of food from the fridge and left again. But lights still left on, so could be back soon. ADDENDUM - Yeah, back so gave or threw the food away again.
  8. She turned back to switch the LR light off, but didn't close the curtains which is a sign of return.
  9. If she could see what you were doing when she bates, she'd scream alright.....
  10. Sorry mate, as long as you're doing ok. I know what loss is like.
  11. Date was May 16th 2020, first mutual bate. Only version i've seen doing the rounds.
  12. Yes of course she does and that is how it should be, but i have just never understood why she has put her self through so much for something so part time. With Paul, he is her soul mate and they lived together all those years so i get that fully, with this guy though she can go a week without even calling, yet has been through so much heartache and misery. That is basically my point, so much for so little, and it's not done her any good for me.
  13. I get what you mean, BUT what i am referring to is LB. No one else. You will have seen it all i am sure, all the heartache and tears, the screaming. It's been so horrible to watch her go through it. That night where she was literally on the verge of a breakdown, tragic. Yet here we are 10 months later and he's still there in some form. But i think you yourself have been surprised at just how much she has stayed in since Malia left. Yes, being home more to do whatever of course - But i think most have been taken by surprise at the lack of night time activity, just how little she has spent out late or overnight. It's how this has also changed. This today is pretty much the first time since, where it look like it used to be.
  14. Not often you see her in a cardi! Did really suit her. But you have to say, her 'outdoor activity' is pretty minimal, much less than i think many expected. Really right now, it's the salon job on a Friday, this dance class that she's started and that's pretty much it! The language course is just part and parcel of it, she hangs out with other people here and there, so her time at home has been more massive in a way. She's actually managing to balance things. And this is why the whole thing with you-know-who looks even odder!
  15. Longer than that, well before Malia left. It's been as casual as possible for ages. So therefore, it can only be either that he's not been around to actually see in person, or it has been by choice. Don't forget, a clue was the last 2 weeks, the calls have been later, after midnight rather than before. And i can't see it being his choice, especially from the still regular contact and calls. Because like i say, isn't a couple actually meant to see one another?! When they live in the same town too?! If they have been meeting the last few weeks, which looks a bit doubtful, it can only be a few hours here and there - And that is hardly something resembling 'In love' commitment is it?
  16. Yeah, told Paul how she enjoyed it last week and how knackered she was after!
  17. She'll be back i predict, but she isn't just throwing on clothes and going. This is more her old long preparation. And let's face it, spoke to him last night, lots of contact today, so at some point they'll meet surely!!
  18. Well she still has the language course too, night classes are very possible, so yeah - But this pattern is more like what it has been before, that's what i'm going off. Getting ready late afternoon, calls Paul, texting then leaves just before 7pm. Especially if there is an Intercom ring.
  19. That's true! Got mad at Malia for leaving when she shouldn't, then did it herself anyway!
  20. I think she did it Saturday morning anyway. But she's on with Paul again, and i would be surprised if she stops in. Then again, look at how much she has been at home. Like, she really hasn't many places to go at all at the moment.
  21. She left it open all night Saturday, even walked past it on her way out! Getting a bit forgetful isn't she!
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