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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. There he is shirtless as usual! Tell you what, she is looking very toned right now, best i've seen her in a while. Looking good girl!
  2. It was for Paul. A 'complete' gift, whereas for D it was in the dark and impossible to know what could be seen on the other side. The proverbial 'Clutching at straws'. Plus there are all the other times she has shown her bits to Paul, plus pics she has taken for him, plus vids she has made for him.....
  3. Oh my God, she's completely nude on video for Paul! Shock horror. I guess it's just platonic still. 🤪
  4. VMs with Malia, can't really work out what about, but all happy and she said 'I love the way she speaks', Paul then seem to do an impression! Speaking of which, she's more than ready for him arriving..... She's very happy tonight, Dogs safe (check), Malia safe (check), Paul and Eva on their way (check).
  5. I did think of another joke but i better not write it down as, to be honest, it's massively offensive.
  6. Now that is not what he wants to hear first time that he walks in there.....😧
  7. OT, i see that Boris Becker has been jailed for bankruptcy fraud, got 2 and a half years. He wants to be careful when he goes in the showers, it might indeed be a case of New Balls please. Tell your friends.
  8. Yes, false alarm. All are ok, and she got very stressed out thinking the worst had happened. I think (and i will say think) that it was something to do with their medicines or similar. She told them to keep her informed, but as you can see she's much calmer now.
  9. Ok i have listened. I don't know yet. We may find out, we may not. Very difficult as she is crying throughout, but i do get 2 people's names who i know, therefore it's not right for me to comment in case it's not the situation and would give wrong things out. All i can say is yes, the word 'poisoned' does appear BUT this can actually mean something like 'Over exposure', not an actual poisoning. And quite clearly, as she is the one telling Paul about it, then we know it's nothing at all to do with Eva.
  10. Oh a moral victory! Nice to have under the belt. Nice of her as well. Thanks L. 😉
  11. It's the girl who had the problem and wanted to speak to Leora about it, not the other way round. One of the simplest things ever yet still some ambiguity has been found. Lord above!
  12. She called Leora first as the girl clearly wanted to speak about something bothering her, what has time got to do with anything?? How come even now, the simplest situations have to raise eyebrows?
  13. Quick and simple, she has gone to speak privately to the salon girl who was having the personal problem last week again. That's all.
  14. Right everyone - You can open that envelope i sent you all. The 2 words written inside where - Gregg. Dick. 😁
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