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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I think now more than ever, that once people go to sleep, when they wake everything goes from the memory bank. We know FOR SURE, that the final plans for Paul and Eva to finally join her in Prague are being made. No conjecture, no speculation, no adding 2 and 2 and getting 5, all from plain facts. Yet how many times is this questioned, forgotten, or even ignored. It gets to the point where you think what's the point. Even in the last couple of days i have seen things and think "What on earth have you been reading the last 18 months? Obviously not this". G-H told everyone (correctly) that she was lending an ear to THREE people who had problems not long ago. That's been forgotten hasn't it, clearly.
  2. Right this is total crap. The last 3 weeks, what is wrong with you lot?? Things happen, they are reported and it's all "NO, don't accept it". "Why would she do this, that the other". "The rlc agents are covering for her". This is now no longer funny. So forget it, what is the point of me, or GH or The Earl writing anything when it's only "Well, explain this then" in return? I warned you, it's very easy to do if pushed - NO MORE INFO. 🖕
  3. Hang on, there has been no calls but it is true what GH wrote that she was planning to return to Prague. That is 2 different things - Because she said this to Paul. She was never staying, she was just a friend she was helping out as she was going home and Leora offered a bed for her if she wanted. That's all - She was NEVER joining rlc, whoever said that is bullshitting.
  4. Tell you what mate. I can't wait for Paul walking through that door, because it will mean some folk can take a slice of humble pie, cut it into the shape of a cock, and shove it right up their arse!
  5. Some of your translation was wrong but you got the important parts right - Yes, she has gone to meet the salon girl who was upset last night, and she did indeed say she may come home as she has trouble sleeping anywhere apart from her own place. Unless she has actually found someone to have problems which will allow cover for lying to Paul about it last night.....Total sarcasm from me of course before anyone says something stupid like "was she lying?" For the very few in the know, it's the one i call the 'main' salon girl who is having the trouble.
  6. I am reading some fucking hilarious stuff again here. Fuck me, some people are chronic.
  7. This is how this forum works. Person 1 - 'Oh i wish someone could translate what is being said, i'd love to know' Person 2, from the goodness of their hearts, translates after time and effort. Person 1 - 'Nah, not juicy or naughty enough, therefore i don't believe it' Well, fuck that!
  8. Oh don't you start with that kind of shit. I can go back on strike easy, then you'll have to guess all the fucking time.
  9. She's just said all this to Paul, that's how. Don't you start about speculation.
  10. Right, very simple. She's been a shoulder to cry on for a female friend who has relatives who are unwell. That's it.
  11. I've no doubt they have just been calls, not anyone in person.
  12. Unknown as yet, as there are still things to sort out, including Eva's health. They want to get all that sorted so she can make the trip safely, that's the main pause right now. It won't be that far away, but it also won't be tomorrow.
  13. That was 2 hours later though, i highly doubt it was connected.
  14. Oh absolutely, yes. There will be things that she can't talk about on cam for sure. But like Brokk said, when it happens 2 nights running, it's only natural for people to think why.
  15. I strongly disagree. She was certainly not excited, if anything she looked pissed off.
  16. It very likely isn't, but no one can be blamed for thinking it, simply from all the previous we've seen and heard.
  17. I know what we're all thinking. All i can say is, it better fucking not be!
  18. It's obvious they have over there the equivalent of council flat dickheads who think they're the cock of the estate.
  19. Went downstairs about 15 mins ago, guess it's another call like last night.
  20. Speaking of which, maybe just maybe, some people should know when to keep their gobs shut.
  21. All these beat combos Leora listens to, the singers sound so angry. They should sit down, have a nice cuppa, they'll feel much better afterwards.
  22. Well being half English and half Irish, i just spend half of my time slagging myself off. The bastard.
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