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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Well if we're being pedantic, it's actually Jan 2020 the last time, when he went there to Prague don't forget. But even so, still as you say such a long time. But she didn't give up, and to be honest neither did he - If he wasn't bothered, he wouldn't have taken call after call, day after day. He wouldn't serenade her on guitar. He wouldn't have sat up through the night to talk to her when she felt unwell. The reason she said she would win him back, is because she knew she would. And i bet he knew it too. Because like i have said before, they never actually split, the longest 'fight' lasted just 4 days. Some of the longest honeymoons with LB were 4 days!
  2. You've just jogged the memory there, i could very well have this wrong - But was there a girl at GOV last year, who stayed one night and then left?? Like she didn't even unpack her case, and she was gone?
  3. Oh was it, right, thanks. Just assumed it was Russia. There was no way i could have remembered the names!
  4. The only people i can remember being there so briefly as this, was a place in Russia that went UM after just a week, when they had a big party and (i think) a girl was attacked and the police were called, and it never went back online, they closed it.
  5. She's been back twice, went out 2nd time without the coat then came back again to get it. She was talking about the temps outside today.
  6. Only a guess of course, but i won't be surprised if this is right. I saw her in bed staring into space for ages last night, like she was doing a lot of thinking, and i reckon it's down to a combination of emotions - She will be both excited and scared. Excited for obvious reasons, but also scared because, like anyone would, she'll be on pins thinking "Don't let anything go wrong, not now". She can see the finish line ahead finally, we are talking days now, when you think about it. So it's only natural for her to be having those worries, i know i would be in her situation. But she's certainly getting more thrilled at it all by the day, she called Paul 'My sweetie' this morning, not for the first time either. And i bet she was leaning on that koala to get some practice in! 😄
  7. So it can be pre dated then, well why not post date all the rest and get it over with!
  8. No i was just given the impression she'd bated tonight, when she didn't do anything. At least that's how it read.
  9. Very rare that i post anywhere else (!), but having read about this place, and indeed seen the guy on his own mostly in the thumbs, i wonder if rlc were sold a Pup - Meaning, this couple said this, only to then do that. Like, she said or gave the impression she was a homebird when it soon turned out she wasn't going to be at home very much at all? It's the fact it has closed so soon, as if the company realised they'd made a big error. Why shut it down so quickly if they knew ahead what their situation was?
  10. I heard Paul tell her yesterday he'd got some boxes sorted out.
  11. No lie, twice in fact, Manchester Academy being one.
  12. You're right! Never thought it would be Beck. Went to see him play in the '90s.
  13. I KNEW I KNEW IT!! This song, i remembered this from when i was a kid, but not the version she listens to, so i looked it up and sure enough, this is the original - THE KORGIS https://youtu.be/fOVECbr-vsc
  14. ....And when did she start the winning him back? Just 2 months later, August 2020. It's all that mattered. She made it her goal to get him, and it worked. And yes, she was genuinely heartbroken at the thought of 'Her Paul' being with someone else. I wonder if the 100% accurate source knew all this eh?
  15. I must have explained this half a dozen times. It's all been documented. Either people are unable to read, unable to remember, trying to stir up shit, or just plain thick. So bugger off.
  16. Oh still on to Paul, didn't know. I've been to Tesco.
  17. No idea what she's watching but whatever it is, its clearly hilarious, not heard her laugh this much in ages.
  18. See Gregg, you wanted a video of a bird with her mouth wide open.....
  19. Last thing you need, just about to get to grips and find 'her' landing gear descending instead.
  20. You wouldn't prefer your dick sticking IN some tranny though, think of it like that.
  21. Dad just called from his vacation on the coast, resting and having a good time, which in turn makes her happy - Although it was good advice not to walk and talk and film at the same time!
  22. Nothing to worry about, storm in a D cup. I told you!
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