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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I think a few may benefit from a copy of this, start at the bottom. Mind you, they may struggle with even this.
  2. No wonder we post so little. I mean, how can we compete?, when we are up against such valuable, detailed and accurate analysis, like has been demonstrated recently.
  3. I think they both probably go more than people realise, notice how late at night they both wear Gym type gear to go out together. There will be a 24 hour Gym not too far away, there's one just round the corner from me so a major city will have several of them and it means come and go as they please. Having said all that, you know what the inference was. 🙄
  4. Yes, decent points which i take on board, but it used to be fun. Now ALL i see is "Is she going to bate or not/Paul is useless and should go home/They are both past their sell by date". To me, that's not conducive to decent conversation anymore. JMO mate.
  5. Be rest assured Patou, that it's working better than even i thought, and i know a lot of what they said to each other in the build up, so i knew it could. It's as if they were apart for only 4 days.
  6. The ones commenting on the forum being quiet, or full of apologists, or defenders, or obsessors (which isn't even a word) are...... (drum roll.......) .....The ones who have made the forum quiet, due to several regulars no longer wishing to partake in what can only be described as clutching-at-straws posts at best. It has nothing to do with anything on camera, it's all to do with on CC. Whether tedious, odious, repetitive, sarky, antagonistic, confrontational or just plain lies. And that isn't opinion. That's fact. Oh and i see Leora and Paul at it once again. As long as that pisses some off - Good. 😀
  7. She's ok, all things considered over there, and she recently celebrated her 29th birthday.
  8. Correct J. He was telling his mate that it's warm all the time even at night, which of course is different to back in Krasnoyarsk, therefore "it affects my sinuses and allergies". They haven't been on any bike rides yet because of the temps. But he says also that the air is clean which he likes and it will cool down soon, which will be better for him.
  9. Brokk, it's a waste of time. These new trolls wouldn't know fact or the truth if it bum raped them. All they can do is pick up on tiny morsels and run with it in a desperate attempt to convince others they are right. So far just today, i have read i would estimate 85/90% fiction from these posts. I COULD easily correct it (Salon stuff/Repairs on camera seen/Ukraine chat etc etc), but why bother? It's tossers like this, CC's very own Joey Deacons, that made me quit posting. Leora is probably having a good chuckle at how retarded all this is now. I know i am! And the fact it's going so well with L&P makes this even better!
  10. You are one of the reasons i have quit chat, your endless anti-Paul rhetoric. Boring, boring, boring. Pathetic. Just like the disgraceful 'Request' topic. The chat now resembles some tacky 2 Bob peep show in a Berwick St basement. It's been dragged into the sewer, and this new lot can keep it.
  11. And so to the several people who i've talked about this with in PM. Remember when i said a few weeks ago, to watch out for something happening, because if it does it will mean.....?? Well, it's just happened. What does that say eh? Therefore, that's the last you'll hear from me here. I'm not being taken for a fucking mug.
  12. The biggest evidence was right in front of everyone the whole time, yet got ignored by quite a few. The fact that they spoke on the phone every day, sometimes up to 7, 8 times in one day. For every one call with LB, there would be four to Paul. People who argued against this simply had no answer to why this was therefore happening. But i and G-H knew what was being said. The fact it worked is no surprise to me, It was all there in both sound AND vision all the time! Yet as i said the level of the reunion is such a pleasant turn of events.
  13. People said this was impossible - More than once. According to them, this simply can't happen in life, that a couple can be apart for so long and expect to still like each other, let alone live together and still be in love. As far as it went on here, it was not on the cards, it was a pipe dream. Typical forum speculation. They have been proved completely wrong. Not only has it picked up from where they left off, but if anything, they are MORE in love now than before. Even i have been surprised at times at how tactile Paul is, just the little touches, pats as he passes her, kisses on her shoulder. Tiny signs like that i wasn't expecting as much as has happened. And i'm really chuffed at it.
  14. I think this young couple could become quite popular and do very well together.
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