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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. No she took the coat off, grabbed the food and left straight away, didn't put anything else on.
  2. Pulo, please, you have to accept it. LB is still with her, he just is! I know you don't like it, and neither do i but it's there. They are still together.
  3. Just remembered....She ordered this food late last night as she texted away, and it arrived. Now she's taken it out, and been gone an hour.
  4. 😄 Well she'd already prepared the bag, so she knew this was the plan. Can we see her? No. She could be anywhere. But let's face it, how many times has similar things happened like this?....
  5. Well Blue, people ignore this. Yes she HAS been unwell, that is true, we can see it. But in the last week, she has been different. Out more, 2 nights away, more happy late night texting.....All for one change. The usual one. I don't care if no one else on Planet Earth agrees (!) but i have seen this for a year and a half now! When LB is back in her life, back to being perfect - She changes. I've seen far too much evidence. And i don't think even SHE realises this.
  6. And i guess if her food in the fridge goes off, considering how long the door has now been open, that will be his fault! 🤣
  7. She will be either in the reception area or outside, most likely with her boyfriend.
  8. Well she has certainly advised him on diets in the past, when she went veggie (for about 2 days), he had to try it too. That's a shock eh?
  9. Maybe it's to someone who caught her cold! Taking 15 minutes so far to hand it over. 😉
  10. She came in, took her coat off, grabbed the bag and went. Trouble is, 10 minutes later and she's left the fridge door wide open.... Head. In. The. Clouds. 😏
  11. So she's come back and taken that bag downstairs, so that is being given to someone again, she does this quite a bit now. She has given food to the girls, she did this last week, but we don't know tonight.
  12. Yeah that is unusual, to put food already in the fridge into a bag but then put the bag itself back in, it looked like the grapes etc, so what that was for i have no idea. She will back i am sure before long.
  13. It changes regularly. No dance last night, but maybe because she was unwell. Salon hasn't been every Friday, last week it was Saturday, sometimes she goes in at short notice. The only thing that has been regular is on a Thursday when she bates! 😄
  14. Ah, we don't know that! She may have but that's a guess to be fair.
  15. Just realised - It's Thursday, and you know what that has meant for the last month!
  16. I think it was Paul, it was via Skype, but it may have been her mate back home, not entirely sure. It did sound like Paul though. EDIT - I just saw an earlier call (in the shower) and that was Paul, and says she will call him back, so it was him as well.
  17. She was making an appointment for this afternoon somewhere on the phone earlier.
  18. Yes! Fruit, good. Hot drink, good. Then crisps, lying sideways or flat! Yeah, that will do her guts the world of good! Yet as you say, instructing advising on diets elsewhere....
  19. I do question her diet, not only sometimes the choice of food but the timing. Last night in the middle of the night, as she lay watching the tablet, she had a Choc Ice followed by a large Ice Pop. Considering her stomach issues recently, at times she does things to which you simply say 'That won't help!'. Changing (fad) diets regular is also not a great idea. The mind and body are connected. And how many times has she suffered the day after puffing on that bleeding Shisha pipe?? She doesn't help herself, in most aspects of her life!
  20. She will have been vaccinated for sure, she'd do that early. She was blowing her nose a lot and sneezing, yet still wore next to nothing! And she is certainly feeding herself so is eating well despite it. But it didn't do her cam views any harm - She has 3 of the top 4 replays and did nothing!
  21. Fair point! 😄 But more like "This phone will self destruct in 45 seconds if you miss your Goodnight Sweetie message".....😂
  22. No call, absorbed in just reading some site for ages and ages, nothing happening, then suddenly at 23.59, sends a quick text.....And phone down. She must have an internal body clock for this!
  23. 45 seconds to spare, and out of nowhere. Fucking priceless! I can set my watch to it! 🤪
  24. Leora needs to buy a bottle of this if she can over there - OLBAS OIL. A few drops on her pillow, and on a hankerchief, the smell opens and clears the nasal passages. Nice smell too. Sniff whenever!
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