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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. He may order half rice, half chips if he gets a curry.....
  2. Er, how do we want to find out? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ ๐Ÿ˜† Don't forget, he IS one of her oldest friends, that's all.
  3. The guy she has been dating in Prague since last summer. Never been to the apartment, this is her choice, goes out to see him instead. Paul knows all about him, they are open about it. We call him Loverboy as obviously real names cannot be used, so LB for short. It's been a very turbulent relationship though, many many arguments and yelling on the phone throughout the last 17 months.
  4. I imagine that was getting the LB call out the way. I see her staying in.
  5. LB call!!! There she goes. So they HAVE made up.
  6. No, that's what i'm saying. We don't know for sure IF she has made peace yet, probably has, but we don't know. And yes, she left several times last year but Malia was there too. If she leaves again tonight and it's just him, i can't see it happening but..... Let's see!
  7. You're right, it is early. And she did leave him a few weeks ago to cover her. It may happen, it may not.
  8. I think she's staying in as well, it wouldn't be a popular decision if she left! Sunday though, that will be another thing....But we don't know if the latest 'crisis' has been fixed yet. Plus she had 2 nights out of 6 away, which for that couple is the equivalent of 10 years of living together..๐Ÿคช
  9. Friend from back home, known each other since they were teenagers, purely platonic.
  10. It's either her Dad or her step Mum. Talking about health matters.
  11. So, all week she has been sneezing, blowing her nose a lot, and - Had a sore throat. Felt crap, quite clearly. Here comes the shisha. Give me strength..... Wait for the sinus noises again tomorrow! Instagram influencers must have said Shisha's are back 'In' for the next 2 days....
  12. For me, i mean this, it's for us not him. I do think this is the case. She's giving us something to look at.
  13. If she did, he would still stare at the TV!๐Ÿ˜† Doesn't show much interest that way does he....
  14. Just fixed that for those who may be hard of thinking! ๐Ÿคฃ
  15. There is a huge amount of texting again from her, got a lot to say to someone.
  16. One year ago tonight L&M were lying on the bed gently playing with each other. Thank God those days are over, eh?! .... ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  17. No, this is why certain 'rants', that were very clearly picked up, happened to be word for word identical, each time they were made. No coincidence! But she can sometimes let things slip, forgetting we can hear everything!
  18. There is no doubt that this week has been different, in fact for the last 10 days. LB is back but also she has the salon training etc - All of which means she HAS to go out to simply do all this. So we saw her home for 4 weeks, now things have changed. In order to keep what she now holds close on the outside, she has to actually go outside, otherwise she could lose all that. But that means an empty apartment for hours, sometimes overnight. Can't have it both ways. It's either stay home, and sacrifice LB and the other things, or go out, and risk the wrath of the forum, subscribers.... Tricky situation now.....And i knew this would happen sooner rather than later. Balance - That's already wobbling.
  19. I will say, for that time, it was to me that plans changed, remember she was unwell and unhappy? Although he could have changed plans too, for all we know. But - Do this deliberate? Shocker! She did talk about him though before when she spoke to Paul.
  20. Well.....Why only that one? Maybe it WAS him who bought it then! Could explain it, after all this time. Douche gave her the Koala. Yet what if she had already given it away, as she was planning to?.....Interesting. The LB bears are still in there too..... I think Aussie will simply be happy just to see it! That will be a boost of spirits regardless. Not seen a great deal of her this week, so this is pulling out the stops. Usual stuff - They'll eat, drink, TV, ignoring while on phone, bit of 'flirting', a quick flash for the cam, open her legs just out of shot....etc etc! And straight to the top of the thumbs! Same ole Same ole ๐Ÿ˜‚ Unless they don't work again like last week and she's nowhere to be seen in the thumbs! ๐Ÿ˜„ That's what he's now there for, the three C's - Company, Cover, & Clickbait!! The new Malia. Don't be fooled. (LB had had his share already this week, unless he gets incredibly lucky for a third night!)
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