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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yep, there IS a resemblance! That's telling! She mentioned a drink (Tea) and that Dennis wrote to her.....
  2. So what a nice gesture, the Koala being brought out, Aussie will get a big lift from that! Trouble is, Douche is on it's way. Never mind, can't have it all good. At least Leora will actually be home tonight - We think!
  3. Very quiet, spent most of the time just looking at the phone, no calls at all. She did get a message after 2am which made her smile, so that could be him.....That was really the only time she perked up all night. Went to sleep earlier than she has done this week too.
  4. Something must be wrong with the thumbs again, i only said before that it looked quiet, but just read that Masha was with a guy on Activity, yet there is not one single thumbnail of her apartment, but there she is. This is what happened last week, when both her and Leora did something about the same time, but neither ever appeared in any replay thumbs that night. And it appears this is the same again.
  5. Didn't take anything. But another very quiet weekend night on rlc by the looks of it, so she'd have no competition anyway.
  6. I still expect her back, surprised she is this late, but common sense says after work at the salon, then cleaning up, she has gone somewhere with one of them. However, taking the last 24 hours into consideration, don't rule out an LB crisis chat, which would/will rectify things soon enough.
  7. I wouldn't mind get paid that much to open my legs. Mind you, i only do that when i'm letting one rip.....
  8. "Wants to meet weak minded and gullible man, who will not answer back, put up with all my shit, text me all day but only see each other when i decide. Must like coffee and walks".😂 Of course i miss Malia too, and by this point i do wonder if Leora thinks the same from time to time - Not wanting her back living there, no, but at times when she is alone and has nothing to do. And especially when she needs someone to talk to. Look how many times she'd been feeling unwell even in the last couple of weeks. Those are times where she had Malia to rely on. And whisper it quietly, when she helped a lot to 'Share the workload'....
  9. No, i know what you refer to, but they were video sites, she clicked on one or two. They were thumbnails. Plus she looks very often at shopping sites that have models wearing clothes, male & female - This can look like something else, granted.
  10. Hard to say of course but what you have to remember is that she was ok until last night, even in the afternoon before leaving she was fine, so for me, something only happened last night that annoyed her. And she had no calls at all. This happens so often by now where things go back to as they were the next day. I doubt she will let this linger, whatever the reason.
  11. And some thought it was just joking when i said this with you-know-who only works now by not seeing each other.....Case proven me thinks!🙃
  12. No, if it had you'd see the difference. Don't forget, he does have his own life too, he will not be home or asleep when she isn't and vice versa, it's something that does happen quite a bit, you just get used to seeing a lot of calls. And they spoke yesterday twice in the afternoon fine.
  13. She's been a busy girl this week hasn't she, one way or another....
  14. Yes a late bate, only one call and that was with one of the salon girls, that is where she took the food it seems. But there was a lot of texting, she clearly wasn't happy looking, and it went on into the early hours. It looked as if she wasn't getting any replies too, that's may be why she seemed frustrated. Why, just 2 days since she left overnight, who knows. Wednesday, everything seemed fine. Thursday, something definitely wasn't right again. In fact, it was lucky she was in the mood for that bate, she could have easily not done thanks to what was taking her mind elsewhere before and after it.
  15. Apropos of nothing but a nice little memory, for those of us who liked it. One year ago last night, the girls were quietly watching the tablet, Leora scratching Malia's head and in return Malia gently stroking Leora for an hour. When she went off to the toilet, Leora sat up and basically without Malia even aware, pulled out a long string of 'evidence', like she was purposely showing us - 'This is what she's caused'! And they weren't doing anything other than that all night. Even a quiet night could get Leora going!
  16. Grown men DO cry. I wept all through the other Tuesday. You want a weep - Have one! You are totally entitled it one.
  17. With all due respect Leora - Please put the phone down for tonight, or at least for a while. It probably would be better for tonight. Trust me. But you won't will you - And i can see you're not happy. It's not working. It never has.
  18. You have your faith, your loving family and your friends on here, you won't go wrong with all of that!
  19. NOW tonight's bate finally starts 00.05. Certainly favouring her arse a lot more nowadays isn't she! Another anal bate.
  20. She's stopped and gone back to the documentary..... Errr.....🤷‍♀️
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