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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yeah it could be, makes sense as she has done them before.
  2. Defo under the weather, all the signs - No longer teasing, More food, covered up, never seen her blow her nose as much, and just called Paul when she came back.
  3. If i had a penny every time things are back to 'Perfect' - I'd have £2,740.55.
  4. Someone's taken her attention.....Again.....🙄 As You Were.....For the 400th time.
  5. Probably think it's a small price to pay too!🥰 🤢
  6. You mean Sennapod! Unless it's a cross between Semaphore and Sennapod? Like asking for one using flags, presumably brown ones?
  7. People are going to hate me for saying this.....! But - She clearly has a full cold now, blowing her nose, sneezing, coughing, shivering, turned the heating up again. Yet is still in a very thin negligee, next to nothing. That's why she needs more layers, closer to her skin. Sorry people! As nice as she looks like that, it's not the best for her cold right now! 🤒
  8. Last nights' gone now - Tonight is a new night! Competition as well again, by the looks of it.
  9. Maybe, she has done a lot more anal recently.
  10. It was Paul about the show on the tablet. But now, someone is making her smile a lot via messages.....🤨
  11. She's got an appetite right now by the looks of it! Feed a cold as they say. Maybe didn't have enough of a portion last night. Of Birthday Cake of course. 🥴
  12. Doesn't look like she's going to class, looks at home tonight. And just started a big tray of food. I forgot that last week she was out until after midnight that night, so i guess she may have fired it off tonight...Having been with someone last night instead.
  13. Blanket a sign straight away? Making up for lost time? (And judging from the last one, very surprisingly bad replay views!)
  14. More like 30 minutes....🤪 She needs him! Probably more than ever, now she's alone.
  15. Couple of hours yet, it starts usually at 7, so she probably order food first. After that, let's see.
  16. Well, like i said last night, the last 2 weeks have been different haven't they, and it has been slowly building up. More calls, more happy texting.....And, it was inevitable.
  17. She didn't take anything with her, just changed into jeans so if she is going to dance she will have to get her extras (shorts, shirt etc). Will be popular if she goes out again tonight!🙃
  18. Yes but there's been a problem, she said so. Hence why she sometimes leaves it.
  19. The main door in front of the elevator, you can see it open right now. There will be 2, that one and the elevator door itself.
  20. There is a recurring problem with the door system which at times means she has to leave that door open simply to get back in.
  21. It's the whole ethos of RLC's advertising that confounds me. For any site like this, wouldn't you think free advertising is what they'd want? For example - Someone posts a video of an apartment on another site. People see it, like it, decide to check out RLC itself, and as a result, take out a sub. A win/win situation. But no, RLC do the exact opposite. Not only do they block and take down videos, even just screen grabs as well, but actively ban those who upload the stuff. Someone on here not that long ago uploaded a video that had been made from that night. The next day, RLC banned their account. Just like that. It's as if they don't want people to know about the site, like it's a secret - "How dare you tell other people we exist?". And it's this attitude that is making more and more people vanish. Add on to that, the dwindling number of apartments yet the sheer size of some contracts (i would imagine), then is it any wonder that things look in such a bad way? Is it telling that the 2 most popular individuals on a regular basis, are the 2 longest serving tenants? It almost seems right now that the company are waiting on something - Maybe a new backer, a new owner, but it's all up in the air, there has been no confirmation for them. Like no one can move forward because "We are waiting on word from....". It looks rudderless, as if it's being basically run on a week to week basis, no long term plan. Because maybe they don't HAVE a long term plan.
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