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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. i dont mind its just that it becomes a bit repetitive and the russian guests would add something different. The ideal scenario would be bruno guests and gina/stella guests at the apartment at the same time that would be interesting to watch
  2. why dont they invite their russian friends? Kinda boring with just these two.
  3. is leora going to do anything other then sit naked and watch tv?
  4. Over 100,000 Russians and we are supposed to believe rlc cant find any replacements. They just dont care
  5. look how easy it was for stella to find a russian bf and friends. If rlc cared they could easily find new russian girls in spain to join the project including the guest girl here but they dont
  6. its not an ideal situation i would rather have new girls but thats not going to happen any time soon
  7. surely rlc can persuade amy, holly and other veterans in barca to become short term replacements to fill the empty rooms until they can find long term replacements.
  8. lets hope this isnt a one off these people clearly are not camera shy so stella has no excuse
  9. the least nana and viv can do is get naked if all they are going to do is lie on their bed every night watching tv
  10. they said they would continue as friends so them hanging out together doesnt mean they are back together and i trust noldus and emvv over jman. Martina wanting to get back with nelly after just breaking with her and having a go at bogdan doesnt make sense and very out of character. Bogdan pressuring martina to fuck him doesnt make sense and seems out of character.
  11. what a messed up situation these people are in. No one looks good here.
  12. i didnt think bogdan was this type of person maybe harley is right about him after all...
  13. i think its time we call viv and nana robots for doing the same thing everyday...
  14. considering hanna has tried to be sexual with her i would hope thats not hannas sister lool
  15. exactly i signed up here because i was bored of normal porn and this appealed to me because its something i have never seen before and ive enjoyed it for the most part but now they are too many girls who dont want to have sex on camera and bathing in a swimsuit and a guest girl in b5 showering in her bra and panties which is a new low and we are just left with softcore bullshit
  16. mate all we ever get these days are softcore porn shows and the girls keep their real llfe off camera.
  17. so just to be clear you, moos and stncld316 are happy with the girls doing nothing?
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