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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. i wish pam lived in b4 because i think theres more potential for something to happen between pam and tesla then nana and tesla especially now that her and jordi have broken up.
  2. listening to uk drill music and a potential orgy . Yep the hairdresser is the best thing to happen to rlc for a long time
  3. are you sure its good? nelly might turn into a alcoholic and martina is clearly sad. If it was their decision then fine but if they were forced then thats not good..
  4. yes bodgan deserves blame too. He lets nelly do what she wants and he has no say. He needs to man up
  5. tesla and nana also to blame for giving her more alcohol when they can clearly shes out of her mind and bogdan just daydreaming on his laptop
  6. if i had a mate who was drunk and out of control i wouldnt be giving them more alcohol
  7. i cant believe tesla and nana are allowing nelly to keep drinking when she clearly cant handle it and is already out of control and where the fuck is bogdan
  8. pure speculation but maybe i was wrong all along and bogdan was never alright with nelly and martinas relationship and today he decided while martina was in b4 to get them to call off the relationship. Both nelly and martina seem to have not taken it too well. Nelly is completely drunk while martina still has a sad look on her face
  9. i take this back nelly seems to have not taken it to well either and is completely drunk
  10. im guessing that since martina looks upset and she was crying earlier in b4 and nelly seems happy (maybe shes sad on the inside) that nelly is the one who called it off
  11. at least with monica and amira they interacted naturally with the other apartments and did open bates these lot just isolate by themselves apart from one time a month where they do a forced gathering.
  12. the fact that these three women are veterens and they bate under the covers is enough of a reason on its own for them to get kicked off the project. Then on top of that they just sit and watch tv all day and do nothing untill they are forced to organise a gathering which ends up being a tease fest its just not good enough
  13. bogdan has no authority over nelly. He cant stop her drinking, cant stop her having sex with martina, cant stop her trying to have sex with other guys and he has to submit to her wishes. There is a lot of relationships where the man controls the woman but this relationship is the other way around
  14. in the long term maybe bogdan will be in a better position when nelly has to leave the project but in the short term while nelly is in the project she would be in a better position then him
  15. yeah but bogdan would be the one that has to leave the villa and the project so she would be in a better position
  16. Both couples are boring as hell but you can still see a little passion between helena and christopher and they occasionally have sex. Demi and ashton on the other hand is just a completely lifeless dead relationship that you have to question are they even a couple at this point.
  17. maybe bogdan allows nelly to do what she wants even if he doesnt like it is not because of love but financial reasons. If he breaks up with nelly he would have to leave the villa and the project while nelly could stay as a GOV on her own and she would be in a much better position while he would be worse off. Alberto is in the same situation.
  18. demi and ashtons relationship is so dead right now and its so strange how they have dont have sex. Just give them their own apartment ffs maybe that will bring their relationship back to life.
  19. b4 is so boring that im seeing a discussion about periods. Something needs to change there is too many days where nothing happens
  20. the biggest problem with this cast apart from the laziness is the splitting into teams which hurt the last group towards the end. They get along well so i dont understand why they rarely do anything together
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