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Posts posted by billycox

  1. 10 hours ago, zoifan said:

    If Nina would extended her absence for a few nights, I think Allan would have fucked Serena. Things started with some basic kissing and touches first day and the last night, they advanced to blow job. Poor Serena did not receive any Fellatio.

    not to be a wiseguy, but a minor point here. serena could not receive 'fellatio' because she is female. any oral sex in her direction would be 'cunnilingus'. in any case, i would imagine she would like some, no matter what we call it. and furthermore, i have a feeling that the label we'll be putting on her relationship with george will shortly be called 'trouble'. 

    just a thought...

  2. 50 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    Well, now that Dickhead, err Rockhead is back this is another apartment I can cross off my viewing list.  And after the past couple of days I had such high hopes that this place was finally getting on track.  I guess Alex and Anna don't listen to their viewer after all.  :sad:

    i'm with you. well stated. you might as well kiss this place goodbye with that idiot back again.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, thedbear said:

    What are you talking about? Alex was the only one who penetrated her. She just did was suck the 4. What fun did you want? /////////////, Or forget that she is pregnant?

    you are absolutely correct. she's going through a critical time with her hormones. she's on;y weeks away from giving birth.

    when that happens, things are going to be complicated enough. should we forget all that just because someone wants to get their temporary jollies?

    what the hell is this situation going to look like when you add a baby to the mix?

    you appear to be a voice of reason. keep speaking out. there are some very volatile situations evolving throughout some of these sites.

    thank you


  4. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Without knowing where they are at siberia it's more difficult but to have an idea, from moscow to novosibirsk it's 3400km by car ... If we are talking in Irktusk its 5250km by car

    right. and in the u.s. it can also be 1500 miles across two time zones. in any case, highly unlikely that she will ever encounter alan or george. lucky her.

  5. 1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

    I don't care if they never even take off their clothes. (Well yes i do) as long as rockhead never returns.

    totally agree. that would be a sad day indeed if we ever see him again in the neat vicinity of ana. just ;eave her alone for a while and she will be ok. lot of adjusting for her to do after all the abuse from that idiot.

  6. those two assholes alex and drew have been behind a closed bedroom  door with anastasia for 15 or 20 minutes now. are they discussing rent increases or is something else going on? is no one watching this? is no one paying attention to the increased tensions between them and anna and bree? did anyone listen to the recent conversation - in english - between bree and her floor partner the other night which lasted an hour? does anyone care about the real story going on here? or is all just coincidence?

    sorry, don't believe in that much randomness.

    and sorry for butting in . i promised myself that i wouldn/t do it again, but just couldn't hold back any longer.

  7. 1 hour ago, Thestarider said:

    Rules of the Road in this forum !

    5) Do not flame-bait, flame, or attack other member’s comments or tenants actions without explaining yourself. Treat others and their Comments and/or Quotes with respect. Especially in the RLC, Camarads, VHTV, And VV Apartment and Old Dudes threads, treat other members and tenants with respect. It is fine to disagree with another's opinion or to critique the action of the tenants, but do so in constructive ways using socially acceptable language. Do not be an annoyance, or members will file reports against you, and Mods will be irritated and will ban you. 

    not to worry. you won't hear from me again.

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  8. people are worried about her getting pregnant. have you checked out her stomach lately? sometimes looks like she already is. [see recent photo of her in shower with latest guy.]

    of course, it could just be all the booze she puts away.

    we'll know  soon. one way or the other, that's for sure.

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