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Posts posted by billycox

  1. am i the only one watching this? a guy comes in about 20 minutes ago. it looks like #22. he makes himself a drink and lies on the floor. she sits near to where he is in her underwear. tries to engage him in conversation. he seems more interested in watching tv. she then gets up and leaves the room.

    questions: why did he come over at 2am?

    does he not own a tv?

    does he not know misty is ready for something more?

    is he dead from the knees up?

    i'm just sayin'

  2. i'n pretty sure that this is a new guy, although it;s hard to tell. they all look so much alike.

    enough is never enough with her. i'll take a wild guess and say she may have a problem.

    the bottom line is that this endless parade of sex clones will eventually become boring for us and an endless one-way street for her.

    in either case...

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