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Posts posted by billycox

  1. this has suddenly become  interesting. rockhead and ana started yelling at each other. he left. she went back and took off her pants and started dancing for yellow bird. she touched his legs several times. yellow bird  was not interested or was afraid of rockhead or was just yellow.

    then rockhead came home and immediately got pissed off when he saw her sitting close to yellow bird and talking to him

    he yelled at her. she yelled back. he ordered her around. made her change the music, etc.

    yellowbird came over and sat real close to rockhead while they both talked to ana.

    the whole thing was very strange.

    i wish for two things: 1. i could speak Russian 

    other then that...







  2. 5 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Wow, i missed that one, guys being drunk would be the problem, you wouldn't think with the cams there anything too bad would happen with sober guys, drunk guys you never know.

    that's why misty has to be more careful. she runs guys in and out of her place like a sale at walmart.

    i worry about her.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Hi billycox, there was a dustup? What happened?

    hi...go back a little bit under either misty or lisa and watch misty and a drunk guy slap each other in the face while lisa tries to break it up. i'm just worried about will happen some time when misty is alone with a guy who is even crazier than this one,

    sorry, but i constantly worry about the physical safety of many of these girls.

    now i'm told that serena likes it when big george ties her up and slaps the hell out of her. well ok, but that's not the case with everyone.

    and what happens when one of these young guys really loses it and someone gets hurt?

    we live in hope...

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, K.Lane said:

    Misty needs sex like air and water.

    i think you're absolutely correct. and, it's this need that will eventually get her in trouble. she was lucky with the latest dustup. next time it might not be so easy to deal with.

    somehow she has to slow down and be more selective.

    i'm not sure that's possible.

    • Like 1
  5. in a perverse sort of way, this is fascinating to watch. the main character, of course, is alan. as soon as the situation becomes a roomful of adults acting out adult behavior, he immediately retreats into childhood. he giggles, jumps up because something happened with his food. when he returns, he has his sweater zipped all the way to the top. he sits real close to nina so that she can't fondle him. he gives her many tiny kisses like children do when they are experimenting on the playground.

    the only time she gets sex from alan is when they are totally alone.

    nina, on the other hand, wouldn't mind doing anything in full view of everyone. very free about that.

    the interesting moment will come if and when she interacts sexually with george. watch out then.

  6. for those who care: #5  went nearly a week wearing the same shirt. we thought it was the only one he owned. then he changed to canary yellow. that has been on longer than #5.

    conclusion: he owns at least two shirts and has a very small laundry bill.

    stay tuned for the next change. will it be back to #5? does he own a 3rd possibility?

    and who owns the deodorant rights to that apartment?

    i;m just sayin'

  7. 31 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    I have never responded in this forum to any political stance or statement that I I can remember but I just had to comment here.  I served  3-years active duty in the USMC  with a total of 17-months in Vietnam.  I was wounded and received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.  So I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to speak a bit on patriotism.  For all of you bitching about taking a knee; I fought so they could "take a knee".  It's called "peaceful protest" you ignorant shits and it's guaranteed by our Constitution.  You might check out the 1st Amendment in the "Rill of Rights". Ya know, that document you so often profess your love for. 

    If you would bother to investigate or research a bit you'd find that when Colin Kaepernick took a knee he was not only protesting police brutality and inequality, he was also protesting the way returning veterans are treated.  Yeah, you must have missed that part right?  Try getting your news from someone or somewhere else besides Fox News.  So to slam his protest in my eyes, you're also slamming the protest of the way our returning vets are treated.  Guess you're ok with that.  Seems as if our chicken hawk draft dodging president is. So I guess you might as well climb on that bandwagon.  These athletes are not disrespecting my flag or my country. In this wounded veteran's opinion,  you sorry asses  that call yourself  Americans are. 

    So no one is to be given the right to peaceful protest except that which you believe in and agree with huh? Idiots!  We are a country built on protest and revolution!  A country built on immigrants!  Our strength lies in our ability to protest and our diversity!  But you, you go right on listening to your dear fearless leader.  You know the one who's campaign team consorted with the Russians.  The one whose  whole family has financial ties to Russia.  The one who's campaign manager has already been informed he's going to be indicted.  Yep!  follow him right over the cliff you f**king lemmings...  And you dare call yourself patriotic Americans.  The nerve!!       



    35 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    I have never responded in this forum to any political stance or statement that I I can remember but I just had to comment here.  I served  3-years active duty in the USMC  with a total of 17-months in Vietnam.  I was wounded and received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.  So I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to speak a bit on patriotism.  For all of you bitching about taking a knee; I fought so they could "take a knee".  It's called "peaceful protest" you ignorant shits and it's guaranteed by our Constitution.  You might check out the 1st Amendment in the "Rill of Rights". Ya know, that document you so often profess your love for. 

    If you would bother to investigate or research a bit you'd find that when Colin Kaepernick took a knee he was not only protesting police brutality and inequality, he was also protesting the way returning veterans are treated.  Yeah, you must have missed that part right?  Try getting your news from someone or somewhere else besides Fox News.  So to slam his protest in my eyes, you're also slamming the protest of the way our returning vets are treated.  Guess you're ok with that.  Seems as if our chicken hawk draft dodging president is. So I guess you might as well climb on that bandwagon.  These athletes are not disrespecting my flag or my country. In this wounded veteran's opinion,  you sorry asses  that call yourself  Americans are. 

    So no one is to be given the right to peaceful protest except that which you believe in and agree with huh? Idiots!  We are a country built on protest and revolution!  A country built on immigrants!  Our strength lies in our ability to protest and our diversity!  But you, you go right on listening to your dear fearless leader.  You know the one who's campaign team consorted with the Russians.  The one whose  whole family has financial ties to Russia.  The one who's campaign manager has already been informed he's going to be indicted.  Yep!  follow him right over the cliff you f**king lemmings...  And you dare call yourself patriotic Americans.  The nerve!!       


    i'm a pretty tough critic and go back a long way in politics in this country.

    so therefore, it is highly unusual for me to say that EVERY WORD in your "editorial" has the ring of truth.


    so many people, including that self-serving un-american whore in the white house, are missing the whole point on this issue.

    but you have straightened them out good and proper. good for you.

    with any luck at all, the current special investigator will soon be turning over some political rocks, and a whole family of bugs will be scurrying out of washington.

    we all have had differences before, but nothing that even approaches the vile notions coming out of the current administration.

    hang in there. stand [or kneel] for what you know is right. better days are coming.

    thank you for speaking out.


  8. 23 minutes ago, PENSIVE BLUEYES said:

    Wine ing?  Wining.  Not winning.  drinking in stead of whining.    wining (as in drinking wine)  getting drunk n not whining.  lol.  thanks.

    in any case the result is the same. they;d rather see them do anything but whine, implying that that's what they hear from most women. 

    i still protest the objectifying of women. that's the point.

  9. by the way, where is joe? does he live here or only visit?

    why wouldn't he be here for an evening like this? he seemed uncomfortable when he could have been having a good time with the girls the other day. he went to sleep instead. i'm pretty naive. am i missing something?

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