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Everything posted by smurfy08

  1. Oh, maybe she does not want to break the heart of many CC members. Not sure if all of them will be able to survive after experiencing this. Just a few kisses was already so hard to handle for many of them. That was harsh to realise she's not the innocent girl of their dreams. After a few weeks, tears are gone and many got over it and are now in love with Kristy instead but not all yet !
  2. It's enough to get new RLC paid members... will they renew though ? Not so sure. Anyway I hope we'll get more surprises in this apartment. They have plenty of friends, the return of Rita was nice, let's hope for more. This apartment has a lot of potential, it's still new, hopefully we only had the 'teasing' :)
  3. Congrats Mikey !!! :D :D hmmm.... if it was him he would have told us I guess Well... Mickey...maybe you should not come after all. Sorry :-\ :'(
  4. 18:47 Kami and Rita left the house. Hopefully Rita will be back, if I'm not wrong we can see the handle of her luggage on camera 4. (bottom left).
  5. Ilona, take this mask off, it's not funny ! We know it's you !
  6. It might be time to change your habits before it's too late Danaya ! Why not trying to do things in Barcelona you can't do at home ? What have you seen ? Which places have you been ?
  7. Personally, I find this apartment more and more interesting everyday. It's really enjoyable to watch the life of Kami and Kristy back home in Russia. It did not take that long to see her boyfriend, but now even friends are coming and visiting them. It's so much better than the current apartment in Barcelona. This apartment is real and alive ! I don't understand what's so special about Irma, Kami and Kristy are so much classy, there is no possible comparison. It's a different world.
  8. Let's hope her bf is asexual too, a kiss broke the heart of so many members here. Many won't be able to handle more ! Also, not everyone live on the 5th floor or higher ! How are they going to end the suffering ? :-\
  9. :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: PLEASE :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Do you have SMELLS? NOISES? with Kristies, Kamila, who masturbates it would be kind of you!!! THANKS :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  10. After all these tears and laughs and other genuine emotions, I almost totally forgot this next-door apartment with half-naked girls.
  11. Yes if they still want a tree, it's time to replace it with an orange tree !
  12. Yes I know, that 'someone' is our great friend "Kitek" and before going to the restaurant with her boyfriend they went skiing.
  13. Bonne idée ! La moins timide pourrait entrainer les autres ! Elles devraient aussi demander aux voisins s'ils veulent venir non ?
  14. Tu y fais exprès ou pas ? Tu t'étais déjà fait remarquer en postant des photos d'Irma. Tu m'avais même contacté en pm. Je t'avais expliqué qu'on avait pas le droit de poster en public des photos personnelles. Tu avais posté quand même !
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