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Everything posted by smurfy08

  1. Indeed, now that they are back home both girls have different time tables, friends and hobbies. Both girls are not together in the house most of the time. Moreover Kami has a bf (it's not a secret anymore) and obviously she likes spending some time with him. Now what makes RLC interesting outside of sex is the relationship between people. What made the Barcelona experience so good was the interaction between K & K. Regarding Kami, I hope that her bf will come around soon so we can enjoy at least a bit their relationship. (Even if they don't want to share their intimate life with us yet). It's still early, things can become great or totally boring. A positive point is that Kristy came back home last night with a friend. Suddenly things got more interesting even if they did not do much. Let's stay positive for now.
  2. 00:21 The living room is a mess. Magazines are everywhere on the floor. Girls are feeling good and proud of themselves.
  3. Je ne pense pas que ce soit vraiment la raison. C'est plus pour créer une ambiance qui fonctionne bien pour elles mais malheureusement pas pour nous.
  4. strangely ? I don't see anything strange. Privacy is not strange.
  5. I saw BOTH of them using it a few times ! These girls spend a lot of time in the bathroom and as good friends they can stay there and talk for hours. It's probably not the most comfortable chair however it does the job !
  6. And you will still going to call it real life ? Go watch a porn movie, you'll get all the bonuses and only the bonuses. I really hope this will never happen.
  7. From what I saw even if I was busy doing something else. She was eating in the kitchen and watching a movie on her computer. She took a bath earlier and was only wearing her underware. Someone knocked or rang I guess (I did not have sound). She quickly put some clothes to open the door. As soon as the guy left she undressed again to her underware.
  8. Maybe she simply had a rough weekend and really needed something to ease the pain :-\ See what you are doing to our mind Kami ! :D ;)
  9. Because it's forbidden and easy to understand why. Now, I can tell you that Corboblanc left a lot of good hints on this forum for years regarding personal informations about the girls. Some are really useful. Watch carefully what's happening in the apartments, pay attention to every detail, it's not difficult but it's really time consuming and sometimes really frustrating. It's a not a 5 minutes job and so easy to give up. If after a few days or weeks you are still stuck, i'm sure Corboblanc will be glad to help you based on what you have already found.
  10. She had her chance to turn lesbian in Barcelona, but terrible Nora put her back on the right track. :-\ ;) Are we going to met this lucky guy one day ? At least that would finally kill this never ending lesbian shit in this forum. At the same time I would not want him to become another Kiko. Anyway the dreams and fantasies are already fading out, welcome back to the real life.
  11. Anyone has seen Kami and Kristy ? I think they got lost in their apartment, it's getting really dark in Moscow, we are not sure if and when they'll find their way back to their room. All our thoughts are with them.
  12. Only the girls apartment in Barcelona has "named" bedrooms, due to the constant rotation of the girls living there. It helps a lot to know, who is who. We don't know yet if it's the same concept in the apartment in Moscow.
  13. 1. Les candidats devront parler et écrire le Russe couramment. (Le français est aussi un atout) Candidats must be fluent in Russian. (French is also an asset)
  14. Aww I see you did not get my joke....corbo would be really sad if that was the only thing remaining from his archives :)
  15. Where is the data center with the RLC archives then ? :D ;)
  16. Oh indeed and that's "what kept her in the house". I need to check the latest gossip from Russia more often :)
  17. I have a spare wall in my bathroom...Can we 3D print them ? This apartment should be remembered forever :)
  18. hmmm...I know it's early days in this apartment but I hope that Kami love life is not limited to that legendary bottle. It was fun to watch her show when she was in Barcelona, new members will certainly love it, but some old members might find it too predictable after a while. Also, that would be sad if the sex life of a wonderful young girl like Kami is only that daily show to entertain RLC members.
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