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Everything posted by smurfy08

  1. Indeed, I hope they'll do something special tonight. I guess they can eat, drink, dance, twerk but something related to "Russian traditions" would be nice.
  2. Knowing what they do for a living can tell a lot about their personality, behaviour and attitude in the apartment. Even more considering that most of us don't understand a word about what they are talking about. It makes the watching experience much more interesting. Especially when you know that most of these girls have a really rich life that most of us cannot even dream of.
  3. She cooked a nice meal for everyone ! She deserves much more than a simple massage tonight ! I'm looking at you Irma :)
  4. Does it improve the wifi reception though ? Shiny surfaces aren't good generally !
  5. I understand watching her working on her computer is boring but we cannot really blame her for that. She does her job very seriously and it's not a bad thing at all (except for the viewers of course). Outside her "long working hours", she can be fun and entertaining. Watching her interacting with the other girls is quite enjoyable. She's often the first one to joke and trying to have a good laugh with the other girls. Unfortunately those moments are too rare.
  6. Irma does not take much space, I'm sure all of three can fit in a bed. Of course as long as Ilona does not take her laptop with her. ..unfortunately she will take it so it won't happen.
  7. What do you mean by this ? Ever tried to grab your last clean underwear in a full speed spinning washing machine ? It will definitely make you sweat and groan ! What a nice feeling once you got changed though !
  8. Pas de souci, tu ne dois pas être le seul à avoir peu dormi. J'ai vu le début du show et j'ai fini par arrêter car cela s'essoufflait et durait trop longtemps. Je suis d'accord que la relation entre les filles est sympa. Bien loin de certaines anciennes occupantes qui passaient leur temps dans leur chambre. Cependant rien ne me fera oublier l'arrivée d'Irma. Une entrée tout à fait spontanée et naturelle, comme toute personne qui arrive dans un nouvel apart quoi...mais qui pourtant a fait disjoncter les abonnés et les caméras lol !
  9. J'ai bien compris et j'exagère un peu, mais pour moi leur comportement n'a rien de spontané et cela fait certainement partie d'un deal avec RLC. Beaucoup attendaient et espéraient quelque chose "de spécial" une fois de retour après leur soirée. Ca n'a pas raté (ou presque..lol). Les massages ont eu du succès par le passé, c'est un truc qui marche, les abonnés adorent et en veulent plus et que les filles aillent encore plus loin ! Certaines situations dans lesquelles se retrouvent les filles évoluent en fonction de l'expérience accumulée avec les anciennes occupantes et aussi les attentes des abonnés. Ils s'éloignent du concept initial du site pour cet appartement, ce n'est plus trop "Real Life" mais ca fait de l'audience et certainement de nouveaux abonnés. Et ceux qui le sont renouvellent leur abonnement en espérant encore plus ! Après on peut se laisser prendre au jeu ou non, la majorité des abonnés ne comprennent rien aux conversations, les points de vue des cameras pas toujours parfaits pour la situation et on devine plus que l'on voit, l'imagination fait le reste. En dehors de ca les filles dorment, cuisinent, mangent, regardent la télé, travaillent, se lavent...la vrai vie quoi :)
  10. Une prime de début d'année ? Une récompense pour bon comportement ? Anyway they went out together right now. Let's hope they don't forget the massage oil on their shopping list :) They tend to use it a lot !
  11. Come on ! You've been long enough here...everyone knows it's Nora's fault !
  12. The only good thing about Ilona trip is that the bottle in the fridge will probably have to be shared with two girls instead of three. Oh...and maybe a cheaper electricity bill :) I hope Irma and Anna have some good plans for tonight. "3 girls" was barely enough for a party...what can we expect with 2 girls only now ? Ilona, come back soon and bring over all your vk friends and set this apartment on fire ! PS: On a second thought, maybe not all your friends. You have far too many :)
  13. Don't worry they know how to exercise. Try to twerk like they did last night and I bet you will eat like an ogre haha :)
  14. If she can do this in the kitchen...your imagination will find out what she can do in the laundry :)
  15. Well they are allowed to do more on the R18 floor I suppose...
  16. - I'm sorry young lady but your bag is overweight ! - Fuck this, take my dildo, I'll use my fingers. Bye now.
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