Well it seems that after all this apartment is the best place to relax on the sofa after a no sleep wild weekend clubbing :)
I know 'Coco' your feet hurt ! :)
OK we are clean now !! See you in a week ! Byeeee !!!!
unless....they are hungry and check the fridge :)
I'm sure those girls are quite fun....if only they could share a bit more with us.
This bath is too small, they don't know where to put their legs, they cannot stretch. A good massage will definitely be needed to recover...and for marketing too.
Indeed and poor Rita had to stay on her own in her room :(
We need a bigger bath in that apartment so that everyone can join in. What about Kiko, I'm sure he would enjoy it too if he was there :)
I doubt she put her clothes on the sink just to hide herself from the camera. It happened in the past with other girls towels. There is not that much space in that room and it's easy to put something in front of the camera view. They know where the cameras are but they don't have a view from the camera (unless they watch RLC). It's not that easy to put things at the right place in the exact line of sight of the camera.
I was simply joking, I don't understand Russian unfortunately. However from what I have seen Milana was 'naturally' hiding. She knows where are the cameras and the rooms are not that big. There aren't many ways to hide from them. And even before Rita arrived, most of the other girls found the 'safe' places.
Rita even told that to Jenny...and you know the end of the story, if not maybe you should ask the sofa :)
It's early, it's nice to have a new tenant in this appartment, it was pretty much dead for far too long.
And you never know what wine can do to these girls :)
I doubt anyone on this board would know something like that.
Well, it's well known that some of the girls who stayed in this apartment were models or dancers and they keep travelling around to discover the world.
Well, she most likely got up at 4 am, to get on the plane, so she's probably just sleepy. No need to jump on the girl the minute she walks in the door!
By the way she did not have a shower yet ! :) I want to end my subscription and get my money back !
Seriously, I was joking, I was not complaining, hopefully things will be getting more interesting very soon. This apartment was pretty dead since Kamila left.
Seriously...broken Heart? ....just wow
Let's suggest the RLC team to replace her with a guy, cute girls are really too much for highly sensible people. See what you have done Kamila ! Damn you :)
The guest masturbated under the covers this morning, which I believe is what you're referring to. She pulled the covers over her head and spread her legs, but you could clearly see her hand moving under the covers for about five minutes.
I'm disappointed if she didn't use a bottle :(