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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. Maybe. Still, I am not Angie;s bggest fan but... wanking on the balcony with Angie in the bed seems like a bizarre way to ordanize your life.
  2. I thiunk he is carrying on business on the balcony and needs privacy. It is possible RLC may tollerate that since he is there alone. I have not seen Amngie join him out there yet. It may (quite reasonably) be a condition of them spending time together in the apartment. This is re speculation but, if it were me aith her, it is what I would need to stay over. Otherwise I would have to leave.
  3. Following the dog is the most interesting part of this apartment.
  4. Bye Angie. Can I assume since you packed a suitcase this time, you will be gone longer than your usual 2 days out of 4? Sheesh.
  5. You have to hand it to Angie. She is here in Montenegro to stay with someone somewhere else. She has also gotten RLC to fund a crash pad and provide some cash. Even the gulible dolts at RLC can probably figure this one out. Eventually.
  6. she's had her share of guys. years ago an apartment with Marat, most recently she had a brief tryst with Dylan that may be one of the hottest things I have seen. she seemed to be trying to avoid intercourse as he chased her around the bed then he finally pinned her against the headboard.
  7. The return of Ulyana may save their asses... t least the is one more girl worth watching.
  8. ... for almost 5 hours... then gone...
  9. Blond. Huge ass. Bad attitude. Who else could it be?
  10. At this point I am pretty sure Angie is running a con on RLC. She is there to be with someone and has duped RLC into paying for it. I would have expect they were smart enough to see through it but apparently not. I hope they don't lose too much on this apartment but I suspect she will piss off so many people that the loss of revenue will be noticable. Irma was more entertaining as a visitor in Masha's apartment.
  11. For someone with "no friends" she certainly spends a lot of nights out of her appartment. I remember her as one of the girls who had lots of unrealized potential. Like Irma but not near as bad. I think we can expect lots of unrealized potential this visit as well. It is certainly what I am expecting and she hasn't disappointed so far.
  12. Whatever it is seems to keep them busy all day and most of the night and weekends. They also seem too "busy" to eat or shower. She seems to keep her back to the cameras as much as she can on the rare moments they spend in the apartment. I don't spend much time in this apt. but I do go into replay periodically just to see how much "motion" is picked up. It seems they just come there at bedtime and often sleep in their clothes. The much vaunted "big update" is largely a bust and smacks of desperation.
  13. So Paul is back. A very sad day. I had really hoped that Leora would find someone useful. IMO Paul is the least inspired and inspiring person to ever appear on this site. So it's round 2 of hot Leora and dull, listless Paul. Even Leora can't motivate that guy. Very sad ideed. Now Eva on the other hand, is a welcome addition.
  14. Oh please, the lat thing I want to do is look at that guys face 😛
  15. Maybe it's the name? I've never heard of anyone with the name Beiber that I didn't want to punch 😛
  16. Yep. RLC is pretty much a one woman show these days. A thin shadow of its former self/
  17. So neither participant lives there? It just a drop in centre for their horny friends? Yikes!
  18. Heading home to hubby? Not sure why but I get the illicit affair feeling from her. Maybe too much experience or maybe totally wrong.
  19. She got very drunk very quickly. I suspect Bella is a bit of a lightweight.
  20. Does RLC remindanyone else of an old Elvis move? You know the one... I think it's caled Girls, Girls, Girls... Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls... and little or nothing else? Something like that.
  21. Analysis and rationality has to do with odds and probability. What are the odds she is spending all night 3-5 nights a wekk with "friends?" This is a test.
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